Chapter 896

Now, I just have to wait for Sheng Zhiyue's call...

But what Bai Lu didn't expect was that at this moment, Sheng Zhiyue was standing not far away, seeing the interaction between Lu Yaoguang and Bai Lu clearly...

You Bai Lu, how dare you betray me!

Sheng Zhiyue lowered her peaked cap. Fortunately, she still kept an eye out and didn't call Bai Lu so early. No, it should be said that she almost called just now, if it wasn't because she happened to see it in advance. When Bai Lu dragged Lu Yaoguang here, she happened to receive Bai Lu asking if she had arrived. Lu Yaoguang had already sent her a text message to talk about it, but if she didn't see Bai Lu's news, she would really be caught by Bai Lu's behavior. , I was cheated...
It's a pity, it's a pity, Bai Lu, Lu Yaoguang has robbed me of too many things, God can't stand it anymore, and is helping me.You are doomed, there is no chance of winning...

Sheng Zhiyue put her hand into the bag, put the gun in her cuff carefully, and approached Lu Yaoguang step by step. Then, she dialed Bailu's number with the other hand...

"Don't move, stand up. Lu Yaoguang, come with me. Don't try to play tricks, otherwise, I will kill you with one shot—" Sheng Zhiyue leaned against Lu Yaoguang with the gun in his hand Behind him, Lu Yaoguang froze, this was Sheng Zhiyue's voice...
And behind him is... Sheng Zhiyue with a gun? !

At this time, the call was successfully dialed.

"Bai Lu, I've arrived, but I can't find Lu Yaoguang. Can you ask Lu Yaoguang where she is now? I'm in Hengyang Street now..."

Hengyang Street?Bai Lu who was on the phone with Sheng Zhiyue was taken aback, Hengyang Street, isn't it on this street?Where is Sheng Zhiyue?where is it? !

Bai Lu was eager to find where Sheng Zhiyue was now, so she averted her gaze...
Sheng Zhiyue took Lu Yaoguang away smoothly, then immediately stuffed Lu Yaoguang into her car, hung up the phone, and left...
"Zhiyue?! Hello, Zhiyue?!" Bai Lu had been listening to Sheng Zhiyue talking on the phone, but suddenly, the voice on the phone disappeared, and Bai Lu asked quickly, but then, when Bai Lu turned her gaze back When locked at the place where Lu Yaoguang was just now, Lu Yaoguang has disappeared...
Ouyang Fang returned home, packed up the clothes Sheng Zhiyue was going to wear, and when she was about to leave, she looked at Sheng Zhiyue's room again.

Yue'er hasn't been back here for a long time. Although the house has always been cleaned by servants, she still feels that at this time, she should clean up by herself, tidy up her daughter's room well, and welcome her back home!

Just do it!Ouyang Fang put down the bag in her hand, rolled up her sleeves, and was about to act when her phone rang.

It's Shengquan...

Why is he calling himself at this time?
Ouyang Fang gritted her teeth, even though many emotions flashed in her heart, in the end, Ouyang Fang still answered the phone.

"A Fang, I have already found out who did the attack on us and your company last time." Sheng Quan's voice came from the phone, "Don't worry, I am taking legitimate measures at the moment The way of man also heals his body."

(End of this chapter)

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