Chapter 897

When she heard what Sheng Quan said, Ouyang Fang subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, he has no impulse...
But in what proper way?Ever since she knew Sheng Quan, she didn't know what kind of legitimate ways this guy had.

"Then, who is it?" Despite this, Ouyang Fang was still very curious. She hung the phone around her neck, and while tidying up Sheng Zhiyue's room, she listened to Sheng Quan's voice on the phone.

"Yes——Gu Qingyu." After Sheng Quan finished speaking, Ouyang Fang stopped the action of arranging things in her hands, "What did you say? Who? Gu Qingyu?! Which Gu Qingyu is it?"

Sheng Quan naturally knew why Ouyang Fang was so excited, he said, "Ah Fang, calm down first. The Gu Qingyu I'm talking about is Song Yun's husband who has been 'dead' for many years. To be precise, he didn't Die, for so many years, he has been hiding..."

"Then, then how could he? Oh my god, this news shocked me too much, no, I really have to calm down now..." Ouyang Fang stroked her bangs, Gu Qingyu was not dead , does Xiaoyun know?What is the state of the two of them now?

"Ah Fang, listen to me explaining to you slowly..." Sheng Quan told Ouyang Fang the information he had found at the press conference that day. Qingyu bastard!
That bastard, doesn't know at all, doesn't know...

"Fang, I know you are very angry. But you are so angry, it seems that it is because of the matter between him and Song Yun? But don't forget, he almost brought down your company in the United States, and we were attacked here. The mastermind behind the attack. This time I retaliated against him in the same way as he did, and re-applied on him the method he almost destroyed your company..."

"It's just that I won't be merciful to him anymore. Ah Fang, will you blame me?" Sheng Quan was on the phone, asking for Ouyang Fang's opinion. It's impossible to stop...

Ouyang Fang was silent for a while. After so many years of experience in shopping malls, she is not the kind-hearted little girl she was back then. Gu Qingyu almost destroyed her company, and she and Sheng Quan were almost killed. These things can't just be counted like this Understand.

"Just leave everything to you." Finally, Ouyang Fang gave Sheng Quan the answer, "By the way, after the matter is over, you, do you want to come to the hospital to see Yue'er?" As soon as Ouyang Fang finished speaking, she Biting her lip, oh my god, she actually proposed to Sheng Quan to let him see Yue Er, is she crazy? !
However, it is true that Sheng Quan cannot be blamed for this, without her consent, Sheng Quan would not take the initiative to approach Yue Er.

After all, I was so angry that I was sent to the hospital because of his private contact with Yue'er, this incident not only brought a great shadow to him, but also to Yue'er...
Now that I think about it, my original self was really... Anyway, Sheng Quan is also Yue'er's father!

Fortunately, Yue'er and Sheng Quan didn't get along with each other because of this.

However, there was no reply from the phone, and there was no sound at all. Ouyang Fang was a little anxious to wait, and she just said casually... "If you are not free..."

(End of this chapter)

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