Chapter 898

"Yes, yes! Ah Fang, I have it! I, I was a little scared... You actually agreed, agreed to let me see Yue'er. Ah Fang, I am very happy."

On the phone, Sheng Quan's laughter came.

Ouyang Fang couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth at this end. Would the majestic "King of the Underground" be frightened by her own words? !It's... so unexpected.This guy really is.

"In this case, go and see her when you have time. She will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. If you are not free today, you can also choose to come to see her at home..." Ouyang Fang said in a low voice , Finally, he hurriedly said to Sheng Quan, "I'm packing Yue'er's clothes at home, and I'm going to the hospital soon!" After that, I hung up the phone to prevent Sheng Quan's voice from being heard again Come······
Huhu~huhu~~~ Ouyang Fang felt that she was about to suffocate after the phone call ended in pain.really...

Ouyang Fang shook her head, a trace of loneliness flashed in her eyes...

Actually, it's been so many years, Ouyang Fang, you know it too.At the beginning, Sheng Quan made that mistake because he was drugged. It has been so many years.Enough is enough...
Why not give each other a chance?

But she just, just can't do it.

Whether it's unintentional or intentional, if something is done, it's done, not to mention, that person even has a child...

Lu, Yao, light?

To be honest, the fault between the adults was ultimately implicated in that child.Obviously that child, there is nothing wrong...
Ouyang Fang didn't know why, but today she suddenly remembered these old events, and had a new and different view on these things.

But there is one thing that is very strange, she finds herself, she can't seem to remember, what does that child named Lu Yaoguang look like?
The impression of that child still seems to be from when he was a child. The child kept his head down and looked at his shoes.

Thin and weak, the little hands can't help but put them together and keep rubbing together, which is a sign of nervousness and fear...
It's strange, after she grew up, I still saw her.Could it be that he is really that old?Can't remember?
Ouyang Fangfu started cleaning again, from Sheng Zhiyue's bed to Sheng Zhiyue's dressing table.

After tidying up the things on Sheng Zhiyue's dressing table, Ouyang Fang subconsciously stretched her hands behind the dressing mirror, which was a habit she had developed over the years. This place, and she was very forgetful when she was a child, so every time she tidied up her things, she would reach behind the vanity mirror to check if she had XZed anything before forgetting...
But when Ouyang Fang stretched her hand behind the vanity mirror, she immediately realized that this was a habit she had developed, and couldn't help but smile, she was really old... This is Yue'er's room, how could there be anything East XZ!

Hidden, in, here, in, where,

Ouyang Fang's smile gradually froze... She found that she touched something, something like a file?
what is that?Since when did Yue'er have the habit of putting things behind the vanity mirror?

(End of this chapter)

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