Chapter 135 Luo Xiaoxiao, I am your man (57)

Lin Hui parked the wheelchair in front of her: "Come on."

Luo Xiaoxiao raised her head in a trance, her face was already soaked in sweat, big drops of cold sweat flowed down her cheeks into her neck, and the corners of her lips were also a little blue, she looked at him and murmured: "Gu Ze. He."

"When you pushed him down, you should know the consequences." Lin Hui realized his anger, took a deep breath, and tried to calm down: "Please get in the car, and don't waste the young master's time."

Luo Xiaoxiao sat in the wheelchair.

Lin Hui pushed the cart and quickly returned to the cart.

With stiff movements, he carried Luo Xiaoxiao into the car.

Regardless of the wheelchair, he kicked the accelerator and drove the car out.

In the car, the atmosphere was quiet and suffocating.

There was only Lin Hui's urgent voice on the phone: "Where have you been? Yes, I am on Fenghuang Road now. Have the doctors been arranged? I will be there in 2 minutes!"

Luo Xiaoxiao lowered her head, tightly clutching her fingers.

In the air, there is an inexplicable smell, which is the smell of various snacks mixed together
Including, that pot of soup for cooking soup balls.
  Even she couldn't stand it, let alone Gu Ze.

She never thought that one of her unintentional actions could cause such consequences.

In addition to deep guilt, there is also inexplicable fear in my heart.

It wasn't anyone else she hurt, it was Gu Ze, Gu Ze who moved her fingers and said that she could shake City X.

She turned her head slowly, but didn't dare to look into Gu Ze's eyes. She didn't know how he would deal with her, or which ocean he would throw her into?

After struggling for a while, she said softly, "I'm sorry."

She knew how wrong she said, no matter how urgent the situation was at the time, and no matter how unintentional she acted, the consequences had already been caused.

If he wants to punish her, she is willing, as long as Nini is not involved.

Her apology disappeared into the silent space like morning smoke, without any response.

She became more and more anxious: "No matter how you punish me, you can beat me and scold me."

Still no response.

She twisted her fingers uneasily, his silence was like a knife, stabbing her nerves one by one.

She thought of the rumors about him and the fate of every woman, and her back shivered.

She suddenly raised her left foot. Due to the strenuous walking just now, the ankle that had subsided from swelling swelled up again, making the gauze glisten a little. She gritted her teeth and suddenly slammed her foot hard.

The piercing pain made her eyes black, and cold sweat burst out instantly.

She gritted her teeth, panting: "If you still don't feel relieved, I'll let you burn it too, as long as it doesn't burn your face."

The hand that was about to raise again was held by people admiringly.

Gu Ze's voice was slightly tired, but exuded uncontrollable anger: "Enough!"

Luo Xiaoxiao was startled, and looked at his hand, the originally snow-white fingers were red and swollen, shocking.

Looking up with his fingers, there was also an unknown water stain on the coat, and further up, he touched Gu Ze's dark eyes.

She looked at him conspicuously, fearful and guilty, An An didn't know what to say.

At this time, Gu Ze spoke slowly.

His voice was extremely soft, as light as mist, but it was impossible to ignore, as if there was a glimmer of dying hope, and like a person floating in the sea grabbing the last piece of driftwood.

"Why do you push me away?"

(End of this chapter)

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