Chapter 136 Luo Xiaoxiao, I am your man (59)

The plane leaves quickly.

The car also disappeared quickly, and the previous congestion on the road resumed.

Lin Hui started the car and stepped on the accelerator without saying a word.

Luo Xiaoxiao looked out the window at the planes that kept going away, her heart was in a mess.

Lin Hui sent Luo Xiaoxiao back to the old house, then left to go to the hospital.

Luo Xiaoxiao actually wanted to go and have a look, but remembering Gu Ze's attitude, she had no choice but to give up.

Lin Hui came back in the evening.

Luo Xiaoxiao was having dinner at the time, and to be honest, she didn't have much appetite, so when she saw Lin Hui's figure flash by, she stumbled after him.

"How is he? Is the wound serious?"

Lin Hui hurriedly walked, as if he wanted to avoid Luo Xiaoxiao, but failed.

"When he fell down, he just overturned the boiling water pot, and the whole pot of hot water poured over. Fortunately, the coat blocked part of it, but the exposed skin was not spared, especially the hands." Speaking of this, Lin Hui She clenched her fists and suppressed her anger: "Miss Luo, even if the young master's hand is healed, there will be a scar left. He always pays attention to cleanliness, but you actually let him leave a wound!"

Luo Xiaoxiao was also stunned, she didn't expect it to be so serious.

"I know it's useless to say anything, I really didn't mean to push him, I didn't know he would"

"You don't need to explain to me. You should worry about yourself. Even if the young master doesn't pursue such a big incident, the people in the family will not let it go. I think you should have heard of the Gu family. I think there will be news from the old house in the next two days, so you should take care of yourself."

After finishing speaking, ignore Xiao Xiao and turn around to leave.

Luo Xiaoxiao supported the wall and slowly sat down on the ground.

It can be so serious.

If she could have foreseen the consequences, she would not have done that.

Now not only Gu Ze, I am afraid his family will not let her go, the Gu family
One of the three earliest mysterious families in history!

What will they do?Will you do anything to Nini?
She suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill, as if she had provoked someone more terrifying than Ming Xixuan.

The whole night, Luo Xiaoxiao was trapped in nightmares, sometimes it was deep sea water, sometimes Nini shouted for help, sometimes Gu Ze was holding a gun coldly
Luo Xiaoxiao tossed and turned, and finally stayed up until the next morning.

  Early in the morning, Luo Xiaoxiao woke up.

The kitchen servant was about to go into the kitchen to make breakfast, but saw Luo Xiaoxiao busy inside.

"Miss Luo?"

Luo Xiaoxiao's complexion was very ugly. Right now, there was a bluish black circle.

The smile was also a little tired: "I'll borrow the kitchen."

The servant turned pale with shock, and hurriedly said, "Just tell us what you want to eat, how can I let you do it yourself?"

Luo Xiaoxiao shook her head: "I don't want yours anymore, I, like you, are dependent on others and work for others."

As he spoke, he smiled bitterly: "Maybe, I will lose my job tomorrow."

The servant could not understand what she was saying.

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't explain, she tasted the chicken soup herself before putting it in a thermos.

Lin Hui was cleaning the car.

Luo Xiaoxiao walked to the front of the car bouncing around.

"Please take me to the hospital."

Lin Hui wiped the car carefully as if he had never heard of it.

Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't stand it anymore. She forgot to take the medicine yesterday, and her ankle was more swollen today than yesterday, and it had grown so bad that she couldn't even touch the ground.

She didn't rush, just stood aside and waited.

Finally, Lin Hui raised his head: "Miss Luo, I'm afraid the young master doesn't want to see you. There are top-ranked special nurses there, so you don't have to worry."

(End of this chapter)

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