Chapter 348 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (9)


Luo Xiaoxiao yelled a few times, but there was only a dry sound from the microphone.

She thought her phone was broken, so she held it up and circled the room.

"Did you hear that?"

Simply go to the outline again.

Ding Mo was still standing at the door, and when he saw her coming out, his eyebrows were raised slightly.

Luo Xiaoxiao turned a blind eye, walked with the mobile phone and talked.

But no matter where she went or what angle she changed, there was always a dull voice on the phone.

"Is the signal so bad? He couldn't have gone to the North Pole."

Luo Xiaoxiao muttered to himself.

Ding Mo frowned suddenly, and when Luo Xiaoxiao came to her side, she suddenly reached out and snatched her cell phone.

Luo Xiaoxiao expected that she would do this, she was stunned for a while, and then asked in surprise: "What are you doing?"

How could this woman not even know how to be polite?

"Give me back the phone!"

Ding Mo turned around and put the phone to his ear.

Luo Xiaoxiao ran over to snatch it, but Ding Mo easily dodged it thanks to his height.

Luo Xiaoxiao was almost pissed off.

One of them chased, the other hid, twirling and turning, they arrived in the room.

Ding Mo didn't know whether it was on purpose or not, he closed the door with his foot.

  Luo Xiaoxiao was so focused on snatching the phone, she didn't notice it until the two turned to the bedside.

Ding Mo raised the phone high and pressed Luo Xiaoxiao with one hand.

"Give me the phone back!"

Ding Hei looked at her and pulled out a smile that wasn't exactly a smile: "Let me guess, is he on a business trip, or is the local signal bad?"

"Give me back the phone!" Luo Xiaoxiao didn't want to listen to her nonsense anymore. If she didn't believe in Gu Ze, who could accept their love?

"There's no need to fight," Ding Mo said.

"what are you saying?!"

"If you can't get through, don't do useless work."

"Why are you so strange, woman? What's the matter with you if you can't get through the phone? Give me back the phone!"

Ding Mo smiled, after being yelled at by Luo Xiaoxiao, he still didn't show any anger, instead he smiled lazily, "I'm obsessed with my obsession."

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't want to listen to her nonsense anymore, so she jumped up and grabbed the phone.

Take a big step outside.

"There will be no result between you and Gu Ze."

Luo Xiaoxiao clenched her fist, turned around suddenly, and walked in front of Ding Mo.

He raised his hand sharply and gave her a slap.

Ding Mo was beaten to the side, his long hair was scattered on his fair shoulders.

"This is a warning, don't get involved in the matter between me and Gu Ze, if you dare to humiliate him, I will never let you go!"

Having said that, strode away.


The door was slammed shut.

In the dimly lit room, Ding Mo suddenly smiled softly, smiling, tears dripping down the back of his hand.

Simply inexplicable!

  Luo Xiaoxiao returned to the room angrily, and sat down on the bed.

He fiddled with his phone with his head down.

Ding Mo actually hung up the phone.

She immediately called again.

This time, the phone was turned off.

She was not reconciled, she called again, turned off the phone, called again, and still turned off the phone.

Can't help but get angry.

Biting his lip, he stared at the closed door opposite him.

It's all her!
Cai Na came out of the bathroom and wiped her hair with a towel: "What's wrong, little one?"

"It's nothing." She was quiet, "Stay away from that Ding Mo."

I don't know what's behind that woman, Cai Na is so innocent, it would be bad if she cheated her,
"Miss Ding?"

"Don't ask why, just stay away from her."

Cai Na opened her mouth and finally let out a oh.

Because of what happened in the morning, Luo Xiaoxiao was depressed all day long.

As soon as there is a short time, I will take out my mobile phone to see if there are any text messages.

(End of this chapter)

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