Chapter 349 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (10)

Because of what happened in the morning, Luo Xiaoxiao was depressed all day long.

As soon as there is a short time, I will take out my mobile phone to see if there are any text messages.

Until she was discovered by ALISA, she confiscated her mobile phone and deducted two points from her.

At lunch, Luo Xiaoxiao didn't have a good appetite, so she returned to her room after eating a few mouthfuls.

The phone was gone, and my heart began to be in a mess again.

"Little." Cai Na came in with an insulated lunch box, saw her wandering around the room, and sighed: "I made some soup for you, you eat so little at noon, you will definitely be hungry in the afternoon review, I put it here first."

Luo Xiaoxiao forced a smile: "Thank you."

Cai Na walked up to her: "Are you still thinking about the phone?"

Luo Xiaoxiao scratched back and forth in the soup with a spoon.

"Miss ALISA has no choice but to do that. I will return it to you at night, so don't worry."

"I know." 
But her heart is chaotic, always restless.

Cai Na saw that she was in a trance, with an unhappy expression on her face, and suddenly took out her mobile phone: "Here, use mine."

Luo Xiaoxiao looked at her, smiled gratefully, and took the phone.

Press that long-familiar number.

——Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off. Wait a moment, and the voicemail will be transferred to you. Please leave a message after hearing the prompt tone.

Luo Xiaoxiao stood up and walked outside the door.

"Gu Ze, it's me. I haven't heard from you all day. I'm worried. My mobile phone has been confiscated. If you hear a message, you can call this number. I miss you so much." She stopped suddenly, she had to be considerate of him Don't let him be distracted by the work, and after clearing up her mood, she continued: "If you are free, please send me a text message. Whatever you say is fine, let me know that you are safe."

Reluctantly hung up the phone.

Hand the phone back to Cai Na.

"Thank you."

Cai Na pushed the phone over: "Let me lend it to you, and no one has contacted me." At the end of her speech, a glint of darkness flashed in her eyes, and she said quickly, "Eat quickly, it will get cold soon. "

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the review in the afternoon.

This time, it is the spirit of entertainment that needs to be assessed.

Being good at instigating the atmosphere and creating topics is an essential skill in their profession. Whether the show is good or not, the key to success depends on the entertaining ability of these contestants.

Luo Xiaoxiao has a cheerful personality, and she is very open-minded. She can take jokes, and she can also be a buffoon, which can really arouse the atmosphere of the scene.

Sometimes even ugliness themselves, to make everyone happy.

And Cai Na, who was in the same group as her, was also influenced by her. The two cooperated very well, and the effect was very good.

Passed the review without any suspense.

And Ding Mo's group has completely become Ding Mo's personal show. She is different from Luo Xiaoxiao, because she has a queenly aura, and she doesn't need to create any topics at all. Her existence is an existence that cannot be ignored. It was a player in the same group as her, who was suppressed by Ding Mo's aura and couldn't let go at all, flustered and full of loopholes.

Although Luo Xiaoxiao didn't have a good impression of Ding Mo, she had to admit that she was indeed an opponent that no one could ignore.

After the review, ALISA finally returned the phone to Luo Xiaoxiao.

Luo Xiaoxiao hastily turned on the phone.

No texts, no calls, nothing.

At this time, France.

After driving for more than two hours, the long convoy finally arrived at the destination.

The high wall is covered with mottled history. It was built a hundred years ago. It has gone through wind and rain, but it still guards the ancient family intact.

(End of this chapter)

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