Chapter 355 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (17)

The woman trembled even more, almost shaking into a ball.

The woman straightened her hair when she heard footsteps coming towards her.

Hastily changed his expression.

Uncle Long came over and saw that the door was open.

"Anyone here?"

"It's Miss Tianai and the second wife."

Uncle Long nodded, and vaguely heard voices coming from inside.

"Aiai, don't disturb your brother Ze to sleep, let's go back first, shall we? Wait for him to wake up before you play with him?"

Uncle Long walked in.

I saw a noble woman standing by the bed, trying to pull the woman off the bed.

Seemingly hearing footsteps, the woman turned around, her delicate face was well maintained without any wrinkles, and no one could tell that she was a woman in her 40s.

"Second lady."

"It's Uncle Long, look, once Ai Ai heard that A Ze was back, she couldn't hold her back. She insisted on coming to see A Ze. I couldn't catch up with the young man's body, so I let her come here. "

"It's okay, just let Miss Tian'ai stay. I remember that Miss Tian'ai has always liked staying with Third Young Master."

The second lady shook her head helplessly: "Ah, it's been like this since I was a child. These children are A Ze and Tian Ai. Ai Yun is good at playing. Ai Yun is naughty by nature. The only one who stays with A Ze is Love love, after he left for so many years, I can always hear Ai You thinking about when Brother Ze will come back, and it's hard for her to miss someone so much."

"Yes, Third Young Master also took special care of Miss Tianaibu. I remember when I was young, every time Miss Tianai ran away, Third Young Master went to find her. The relationship between the two of them is indeed very good."

A trace of cunning flashed across the woman's eyes: "Uncle Long, then please tell the old lady that Tianai can live in the old house for a few days, and let the two of them get along with each other. Besides, Tianai hasn't seen it for a long time. I've passed the old man, the last time I heard that the old lady was ill, Tianai was so anxious that she was about to cry."

Uncle Long has been by the old lady's side for many years, and he is familiar with the temper of the old man, and he can also speak in front of the old lady. It is much more effective to beg him than to beg the old lady directly.

"This" old lady's temper is well known to everyone, if she didn't take the initiative to call someone over, no one would dare to call the shots.

The woman turned her eyes and said: "Since it makes you so embarrassed, then forget it, love love, we are going back." 
Tianai hugged Gu Ze's arm tightly, shaking like a small animal.

"Love love, let's go, the old lady will be angry when she finds out."

After all, he watched them grow up, so Uncle Long sighed: "Okay, I'll go and talk to the old lady."

"This is too difficult for you."

"Just think it's for Miss Tianai."

After Long Shu finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the room.

As soon as Uncle Long left, the woman's expression changed instantly.

"Listen to me clearly, you must take Gu Ze down for me in the past few days, do you hear me?"

God loves half-knowledge.

Suddenly, the woman pinched hard on the inner thigh: "Don't pretend to be an idiot, you know you can understand, I don't care what method you use, as long as you are pregnant with Gu Ze's child, we will succeed."

Tianai nodded slightly.

Only then did the woman get up satisfied.

After tidying up her hair, she walked out coquettishly.

until the door is closed.

The woman dared to choke up in a low voice.

She buried her head in Gu Ze's arms, tears wet the clothes on the man's chest.

Back at the old house, it was already past seven in the evening.

Luo Xiaoxiao was exhausted and just wanted to take a quick shower and go to sleep.

But she has one more thing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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