Chapter 356 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (18)

Back at the old house, it was already past seven in the evening.

Luo Xiaoxiao was exhausted and just wanted to take a quick shower and go to sleep.

But she has one more thing to do.

After tidying up briefly, Luo Xiaoxiao walked towards the south courtyard alone with the dinner handed over by the servant.

  The small building in the south courtyard was pitch-black everywhere, and only the light in one room was on.

She walked up the stairs carefully and walked to Luo Wanxin's room step by step.

Raise your hand and knock on the door.

"I have no appetite, take it away."

Luo Xiaoxiao pushed open the door.

"I said I have no stomach." Luo Wanxin turned her head.

Luo Xiaoxiao raised a smile: "How can you lose your appetite? Your dear sister brought this with her own hands, so let me save face."

Luo Wanxin turned her head away from her.

Luo Xiaoxiao brought the meal to the side of the bed, and sat down on a chair beside her.

"Sister, it's been so many days, your anger should be gone."


"I went to see Nini a few days ago. The doctor said that she is recovering well. I plan to bring her to see you after she recovers."

"No!" Luo Wanxin finally turned around: "How many times do I have to say it before you can hear clearly? She's not my daughter!"

"Okay, it's not your daughter, it's my niece."

Luo Wanxin couldn't say no to her. Since she was a child, this younger sister had a sharp tongue.

Simply turn around and ignore her.

Luo Xiaoxiao sighed in her heart, still with a smile on her face, picked up a spoon and took a sip: "Well, it smells so good. This is my sister's favorite minced garlic meat."

"Take it, I don't want to eat it."

"How do you know you don't want to eat it if you don't try it?"

Luo Wanxin lay down, turned sideways and ignored her.

Luo Xiaoxiao put down the spoon: "Sister, you were not like this before, no matter how naughty I was when I was young, you would never ignore me, why did we become like this?"


"It's not fair to me if you don't say anything."


"Are you going to be dumb forever? Never see Nini for the rest of your life?"


"You talk to me!"


"You puke!"

Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly covered her mouth and rushed into the bathroom.

Luo Wanxin couldn't help turning around.

In the bathroom, Luo Xiaoxiao retched from time to time.

Luo Wanxin signed Zheng, a flash of shock flashed in her eyes, she hesitated, and got out of bed.

In the bathroom, Luo Xiaoxiao almost vomited out the contents of her stomach, and sat on the ground as if she had collapsed.

It's been so many days, why is it always bad?

Could it be because she was too nervous about Gu Ze?

  Apparently, it's time to see a doctor.

She stood up and staggered out of the bathroom.

Seeing Luo Wanxin on the bed, she sighed helplessly.

She's not feeling well today, so I'll see her again another day.

"Sister, I'm leaving first. I'll come to see you another day. Don't forget to eat."

Luo Xiaoxiao helped the doorknob.

"you are pregnant?"

From behind, came Luo Wanxin's complicated tone.

She was finally willing to talk to herself.

Luo Xiaoxiao concealed her delighted expression, and suddenly smiled slyly: "I don't know, maybe."

"What do you mean you don't know? You don't even know if you are pregnant or not?"

"I've never been pregnant, how do I know?" Luo Xiaoxiao looked innocent, "Sister, you can help me refer to it. When you were pregnant with Nini, did you feel so uncomfortable?"

Luo Wanxin was about to answer, but suddenly stopped, knowing what Luo Xiaoxiao said.

He turned his head angrily, ignoring her.

Luo Xiaoxiao waited for a while, feeling a little disappointed.

"Sister, if you don't tell me, I'm likely to take medicine indiscriminately. If something goes wrong, I'll have to abort it."

"Drain? That's your child, your flesh and blood, how can you bear to do that?!"

Luo Xiaoxiao turned around: "Nini is also your child, your flesh and blood, how can you bear to see her alone in the hospital? Sister, do you know that she calls her mother even in her dreams?"

(End of this chapter)

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