Chapter 357 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (19)

"Drain? That's your child, your flesh and blood, how can you bear to do that?!"

Luo Xiaoxiao turned around: "Nini is also your child, your flesh and blood, how can you bear to see her alone in the hospital? Sister, do you know that she calls her mother even in her dreams?"

A trace of sadness flashed in Luo Wanxin's eyes, but she said forcefully: "It's useless to say anything, I won't go to see her."

Luo Xiaoxiao clenched her fists, she never imagined that such a kind and gentle sister would become like this.

"It's up to you, I'm leaving."

Luo Wanxin saw that she was leaving, and there was a hint of anxiety in her eyes: "You haven't answered me yet, are you pregnant?!"

"You don't care about your daughter's life, but what do you care about me?" Luo Xiaoxiao said in a bad tone.

She can tolerate her sister hating her, but she can't treat her daughter like that.

"Quickly answer me, are you pregnant? Are you that man's child?"

"Yes." For some unknown reason, Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly choked: "I am indeed pregnant, and it is twins, and the child is Gu Ze's!"

For a moment, Luo Wanxin's beautiful eyes were wide open, and a complex expression flashed in her eyes, like shock, but also like fear, anger, and entanglement, she suddenly staggered and sat on the bed.

His eyes stared blankly at the ground, and his eyes were full of clues about what he was thinking.

Luo Xiaoxiao abruptly stopped in order to see her footsteps, opened the door, and walked out.

The night wind was very cool, so she tightened her coat.

Back to the villa with heavy steps.

Back at the villa, the servant had already prepared dinner, she glanced at it, but had no appetite.

I was full of my sister's business, so I ate a couple of casual bites and went back to my room.

I thought that when I returned to my room, my heart would calm down.

As a result, I felt even more uneasy.

Every inch of the air wafts the unique aura of a man, and there is his shadow in every corner.

She misses Gu Ze, misses him crazily, misses his hands, misses his smile, and misses the black hair that grazes her fingers when he lowers his head to ask her to help tie the scarf.
Everywhere, every place made her think crazy.

Can't help but take out the phone.

There was nothing on the white screen.

She fiddled with it for a while, then suddenly restarted the phone.

Maybe there's something wrong with the phone.

There was a melodious start-up music, she bit her lip nervously, and slowly opened the inbox.

The last text message is still the same.

She was discouraged and collapsed on the bed.

Suddenly, he got up again.

Open the webpage with a mobile phone and search for: African mobile phone signal
Click OK, and tens of thousands of results pop up at once.

Look over one by one.

My heart can't help but sink a little.

ALIHI replied: Why is there no signal?Do you think they are native Indians?The signal tower has already been installed, okay?
Xindu replied to ALIHI: I can’t explain it. The current signal coverage in Africa only reaches 80.00%, and the remaining 20.00% of the land boundary is a deserted prairie. Go and try to install it for me.

I love it, so I am replying to my heart reading: I agree, but I can’t cover it all. My friend was sent there last year, and he couldn’t be contacted for half a month. It was only after changing places.

ALIHI replied: I love you so I am here: Silent condolences for your friend, he is not going to work, but he is exiled. I admit that I am a little full of words, but the environment in those areas is harsh, and even the locals rarely go there, let alone go to work, so for the time being can be ignored.

I groaned in my heart.

Luo Xiaoxiao got up suddenly and ran out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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