Chapter 358 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (20)

Luo Xiaoxiao got up suddenly and ran out of the room.

He even forgot his shoes, and ran to the stairs with bare feet.

A servant saw her and couldn't help shouting: "Miss Luo, your shoes!"

"Where is the butler?" Luo Xiaoxiao asked.

"Ah, he seems to be in the dining room. Oh, Miss Luo, wait a minute. I'll help you get your shoes."

Luo Xiaoxiao had already run down the stairs.

Because Luo Xiao didn't have much snacks, the butler was scolding the chef in the dining room.

Luo Xiaoxiao ran over, already out of breath.

The butler turned around.

"Miss Luo? Are you looking for something with me?"

"Where is Lin Hui?"

Butler Yizheng: "Miss Luo, what can I do with him?"

"Tell me where he is first? I heard that he is ill. He should be living in a remote hospital?"

"Do you want to visit him now? There's no need for that. He's probably already asleep at this time."

"You just need to tell me where he is." Luo Xiaoxiao said anxiously.


Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes showed doubts: "What are you hesitating about?"

The housekeeper's eyes wandered a bit: "It's so late, I'm afraid it's inconvenient, it's better than tomorrow."

"I'm going now."

"Then, why don't you make a phone call?"

"I don't want it, I want to see him!" He refused to say anything on the phone.

"Miss Luo, that's the servant's room. I'm afraid it's not suitable for you. If Mr. Gu were here, I'm afraid he wouldn't agree."

He even threatened her with Gu Ze.

"That's my business, and he's not here now."


The more he hesitated to speak, the more suspicious Luo Xiaoxiao felt.

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, I will find it myself."

Luo Xiaoxiao turned to leave.

The butler hurried to catch up.

"Miss Luo, I can tell you if there is anything you need, please go back to your room."

"Go away."

If she didn't get an answer tonight, she'd be restless.

"Miss Luo"

While the two were talking, Luo Xiaoxiao had already walked to the door.

The servant ran downstairs: "Miss Luo, your shoes"

Luo Xiaoxiao paused for a moment, took the shoes, bent down and put them on.

Pushing the butler away, he strode out.

She walked in a hurry, wearing only a sweater, and when the cold wind blew, she couldn't help shivering.

The housekeeper took the sign and told the servant: "Hurry up and get the coat."

Quickly walk a few steps to catch up with Luo Xiaoxiao.

"Miss Luo, do you have to go?"

Luo Xiaoxiao ignored him, like a headless rope, striding over to the place where there was a house.

The night wind messed up her long hair, exposing her stubborn eyes.

She folded her arms, her cheeks were flushed by the wind, and her lips were pursed stubbornly.

The butler took the coat from the servant, stepped forward, put it on Luo Xiaoxiao, and finally compromised: "Okay, I'll take you there."

Lin Hui lived in a small building in the North Courtyard, similar to Luo Wanxin's small building, one south and one north, surrounded by two ancient houses.

Luo Xiaoxiao walked in a hurry, and the housekeeper followed her closely, unavoidably out of breath.

  Finally, the two came to the small building where Lin Hui was.

Luo Xiaoxiao pushed open the door and was about to go in.

Ge's, bumping his head into a chest.

She touched her forehead and raised her head inexplicably.

It was two men dressed in black. At this time, they were standing at the door, one on the left and the other on the right. In the darkness, their expressions could not be seen clearly, but the coldness emanating from the two of them made people feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

"You are?"

Luo Xiaoxiao guessed that they were Gu Ze's bodyguards, but she didn't understand why they stayed at Lin Hui's residence, so she paused and said, "I want to see Lin Hui."

(End of this chapter)

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