Chapter 362 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (25)

Gu Ze withdrew his arm and stroked her hair: "It doesn't hurt anymore, Ai'ai is so good."

"Brother Ze, why haven't you come back? Aiai sits in the garden waiting for you every day, but you never come back. The flowers that Aiai planted are all blooming. You said you would come back when the flowers bloomed, but Aiai couldn't wait. You, grandma said you won't come back, Aiai listens to Brother Ze's words and doesn't cry, but Aiai misses you."

"Did Ai Ai get into trouble?"

Tianai shook her head hastily, fearing that he would not believe it, so she raised her hand and swore seriously: "Ai'ai didn't cause any trouble, Ai'ai has always been obedient."

"Love is obedient, so I'm back." Gu Ze pushed down the hem of her flying skirt, saw her hair was messy, took it from her wrist and tied it to the hair tie, and started to tie her hair.

Aiai knelt and sat beside him obediently, as if this kind of thing was already used to it.

"Brother Ze, you see that Ai'ai's hair is so long. My mother said, if Ai'ai's hair grows so long, brother Ze will come back. My mother didn't lie."

Gu Ze smiled lightly, but did not respond.

"Brother Ze won't leave again?"

The slender fingers lifted up the soft black hair, deftly braided it, tied it with a hair rope, and carefully compared the balance on both sides.

"Love, you go out and play for a while."

He must find out what his grandmother meant, if he wanted to harm Luo Xiaoxiao, even if he did it in advance, he would not stop.

"Brother Ze wants to sneak away again?" Ai'ai turned around, her jet-black hair was tied into two small braids, and her big black and white eyes were soaked with a layer of sadness.

She blinked, remembering that Gu Ze didn't allow her to cry, and tried to hold back the tears, but her nose was red, and there were tears in her eyes: "At that time, you also said the same, love to come back after counting the flowers I'm looking for you, brother Ze is gone, brother Ze, don't slip away again, okay? If you want to leave, take Aiai with you, Aiai wants to be with brother Ze."

Gu Ze sighed, and wiped away her tears with his broad palm: "I won't leave."

"Love it or not."

"How do you believe it?"

"According to the rules, let's follow the rules." Ai'ai stretched out her thumb with a serious face.

Gu Ze paused, stretched out his hand, and pressed it.

This is a game they used to play when they were young, and Gu Ze taught her by himself.

Ai'ai was very timid when she first came, she hid behind a chair like a deer, showing a pair of timid big eyes, all the children in the ancient house dismissed such a weak little flower, only Gu Ze was willing to accompany her , didn't dislike her childish words, and always brought her by his side.

Ai Ai could not speak when she was six years old. It is said that she was born with amniotic fluid poured out due to a mistake by the medical staff. She had a high fever for several days and nights, and as a result, her brain was burnt out.

These years, if it weren't for Gu Ze, Ai Ai might have become a fool who can read big characters.

It was Gu Ze who patiently taught her to read, speak, sing, and even draw, so that she could grow into a girl who could read and understand other people's words.

It is really hard to imagine that when he was still a child, he had such great patience to take care of a mentally handicapped child.

This point, even the second aunt who adopted Ai Ai, that is, the second wife, finds it inconceivable.

In fact, people don't know.

It is not so much that Gu Ze accompanied Ai Ai, it is better to say that it was Ai Ai who accompanied Gu Ze through those difficult and lonely years.

To be more precise, it was Ai'ai who replaced another person and stayed by Gu Ze's side.

(End of this chapter)

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