Chapter 363 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (26)

To be more precise, it was Ai'ai who replaced another person and stayed by Gu Ze's side.

Receiving Gu Ze's promise, Ai Ai climbed out of bed reluctantly.

But he didn't leave. He stood at the head of the bed and wrung his fingers, looking like he was waiting for something.

Gu Ze lifted the quilt, walked to the window, stretched out his hand, and picked up a pink rose.

With your own hands, don't touch Ai'ai's ear.

The bright flowers reflect the girl's pink cheeks, which are beautiful and lovely.

Aiai reached out and touched the flowers on her head, finally smiled, and waved to him: "Brother Ze, I will come to you later."

Gu Ze watched her run to the door.

Ge's, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Ai'ai was caught off guard, had no time to stop, and bumped into the person who came.

Only Uncle Long's exclamation was heard.

"Old lady!"

Gu Ze reacted quickly and pulled the dumbfounded Ai Ai behind him.

Ai Ai also seemed to realize that she had made a mistake, her little hands grabbed Gu Ze's clothes, shaking unbearably.

Gu Ze comforted and patted her.

Uncle Long squatted on the ground with an anxious expression on his face.

"Old lady, how are you? Inform Dr. Allman to come over immediately, call the Royal Hospital and prepare all emergency procedures, old lady!"

The old man had a serious illness a few years ago, and his body was not as good as before. He accidentally broke his leg a few months ago. Even after being treated by the most advanced French Royal Hospital, he still suffered from problems. Love love bump.

The old man's painful face made Uncle Long furious.

"Miss Tianai!"

Tian Ai shook violently, and slowly squatted down, trying to use Gu Ze's body to hide herself.

"It has nothing to do with Tianai, I let her out." Gu Ze suddenly said.

Uncle Long's furious eyes shifted from Tianai to Gu Ze, and he said patiently, "Third Young Master, your grandmother is lying injured in front of you right now, can't you even come over and have a look at her?"

"Aaron, don't blame Aze, he's just freaked out, I'm fine."

Uncle Long lowered his head and held the old man's hand tightly: "Madam, the doctor will be here soon, and you will be fine."

The old man's face was a little frighteningly pale.

Gu Ze clenched his fist and abruptly looked away.

Tianai poked her head out cautiously, as if mustering up a lot of courage: "Ah, grandma, are you in pain?"

"Miss Tianai! Please come out!"

Tianai shook again.

Uncle Long simply got up and strode towards Tian'ai.

Tian Ai was shaking into a ball, she raised her head and looked at Gu Ze timidly: "Ze, Brother Ze"

Uncle Long walked up to Gu Ze, stretched out his hand, and held Tianai's wrist.

Tianai cried out in fright, eyes full of panic: "Brother Ze, brother Ze"

Uncle Long pulled Tianai out, Tianai stumbled and kept looking back at Gu Ze, his eyes were full of pleading.

"Let go of her."

"Third Young Master, Miss Tian'ai hurt the old lady, causing such a serious consequence, it is beyond your and I's ability to solve it, I will hand her over to the church, and we will have a meeting to discuss how to deal with it."

"Brother Ze, Brother Ze, Ai'ai is wrong, Ai'ai is no longer running around, Ai'ai is wrong, Ai'ai is wrong, don't go to church, it's so dark there, Ai'ai is afraid of the dark"

"Let her go, and I will bear the consequences on her behalf."

"Third Young Master, why are you bothering?"

Are there few people in this family who want to catch his little tail?He actually sent it to the door, isn't he just a silly girl, what can I do if I let her squat?Didn't she get into too many troubles? It wasn't the first time.

  There were hurried footsteps in the corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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