Chapter 364 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (27)

"Third Young Master, why are you bothering?"

Are there few people in this family who want to catch his little tail?He actually took the initiative to deliver it to the door, isn't he just a silly girl, what can I do if I ask her to squat for two?Didn't she get into too many troubles? It wasn't the first time.

  There were hurried footsteps in the corridor.

It's Dr. Allman.

Uncle Long can't take care of him for the time being.

"Third Young Master, please consider carefully."

After speaking, he let go of Tianai and ran back to the old man.

According to the preliminary inspection, the situation is not very serious, but it is likely that the leg was injured. In order to avoid the recurrence of the old injury, it is necessary to go to the hospital immediately.

Uncle Long began to contact the helicopter.

The old man was carefully put on the stretcher.

Gu Ze stood where he was, his gaze never falling on the old man.

The old man groaned in pain, and grabbed Uncle Long's hand: "Forget about it."

  "Old lady, you just need to rest in peace and recuperate. I'm the one with the family affairs."

"Oh, don't embarrass him too much, he just came back, don't scare me away."

"I know."

The old man was carried away, rushed to the plane and sent to the hospital.

In the room, it finally became quiet again.

Ai'ai hid in Gu Ze's arms, the flower next to her ear was crooked, and two petals fell off, she grabbed his clothes tightly, and kept repeating in her mouth not to go to the church.

Gu Ze bowed his head and straightened her flower.

"You won't go to church."

Tianai couldn't listen to him at all.

Uncle Long stood at the door, frowning slightly as he watched the scene inside.

  Gu Ze should not get close to Tian Ai.

The old lady's attitude towards Tian'ai has always been ambiguous, neither loving nor disgusting, more like treating a stranger.

The second wife is ready to move, everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart, but here, Gu Ze does not shy away from it, sticking with Tianai all day long.

Just as he was thinking, Gu Ze had finished appeasing Tian Ai and walked in front of him.

The young master is already a head taller than him. After not seeing him for a few years, the shoulders that were a little immature at the beginning have become wider, and the temperament on his body has become more mature and compelling.

"Let's go." The usual laziness and gorgeousness.

"Has the third young master already made a decision?"

Gu Ze looked back, and San Ai stood there blankly, because he said he didn't like her crying, so he desperately held back the tears, holding the small teacup he stuffed for her in his hand.

"I don't want to take care of her these two days."

Uncle Long's eyes flashed with surprise.

This proud boy is actually begging him.

Nodded: "I will."

Gu Ze followed Uncle Long out of the room.

Tianai suddenly followed and ran out of the room, but was stopped by the guard at the door.

He could only watch Gu Ze's figure slowly disappear.

The ancient family initiated China. Although they stayed in France for a long time, many gauges and concepts still inherit Chinese customs.

For example, church.

The hall is only concerned with the descendants of the ancient family who have made mistakes.

Think of it as a reflection room.

A small house, no windows, only a door, no facilities inside the house, a bed, a table, a bathroom, no lights, no telephone, no people or buildings in a radius of ten miles, except for three meals a day, no one. Someone will come to visit.

Yes, there is only boundless silence and darkness.

Ai'ai soiled the old lady's clothes when she was a child, and was imprisoned once. After she came out, she didn't know anyone for half a year. It was Gu Ze who patiently rescued her from the enclosure bit by bit.

Therefore, this time, Gu Ze will take the initiative to stand up and be punished instead of Ai Ai.


The heavy iron door was pulled open.

Uncle Long said earnestly: "Third Young Master, it's too late to repent now. You know that the old man loves you. As long as you say a word, I will immediately call the old lady and lift your ban."

"No need." Gu Ze calmly walked into the closed room.

(End of this chapter)

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