Chapter 374 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (38)

Cai Na naturally had no objection, Luo Xiaoxiao felt a little uncomfortable when she thought of going with Ding Mo.

But she has already stood up for Cai Na for the first time, and it would be said that she is petty and narrow-minded, that's all, as long as she ignores Ding Mo's provocation, it will be fine.

After dividing into groups, the program group took everyone's promotional video and took everyone to the first destination.

The first shooting location is Wangling Island, which has mountains, seas and simple folk customs. Most importantly, there are few tourists, which also reduces the expenses of the program group to the greatest extent.

Luo Xiaoxiao got out of the car, was immediately attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of her, and ran to the beach in a few steps.

At this moment, as the sun was setting, there was only a ray of red glow left, which illuminated the entire sea stall. Standing in this ray of red light, the woman almost melted into it.

The director hired a photographer and quietly recorded this passage, which can be edited into a poster or directly used as a head cover in the future.

After playing for a while, the program team called everyone in front of them and began to arrange the first mission of the program.

"All of you need to find tents, sleeping belts, quilts and other things that can keep out the cold before nightfall, as well as ingredients for dinner. There is still an hour before dark. There is a tradition here. After dark, No one will open the door for strangers, so your time is limited, whether you can sleep well tonight depends on your performance."

Someone asked: "What about the money? How much for us?"

"No money, everything depends on you."


Cai Na approached Luo Xiaoxiao: "This is very similar to a variety show I have seen, but the other party has colluded with each other in advance, and those villagers have been compensated by the program team. Do you think our program team will also communicate in advance?" alright?"

"This is not a play house. If you report such a plan, you can retire now." Before Luo Xiaoxiao could answer, Ding Mo had already answered for her.

The ruthless words directly made Cai Na turn pale.

Luo Xiaoxiao wanted to comfort her, but Ding Mo was right.

What this program does is truth and cruelty, so that everyone can truly feel the most real relationship between people who are not easy in life, so thinking that the program team will help them is simply a dream.

"Don't worry, with me, I will let you live in the best tent and eat the most sumptuous food tonight, do you believe it?"

Cai Na nodded and held her hand: "I believe."

Ding Mo snorted lightly.

Hearing the program group call out to start, he walked out first.

A total of three groups were divided into three directions.

The direction Luo Xiaoxiao went was far away from the sea, that is to say, the group with the worst conditions among the three groups.

Because those who live here are generally farmers, while those who live by the sea are mostly bars, hotels and so on.

Cai Na complained in a low voice, but was stared coldly by Ding Mo.

"Go back if you don't want to do it!"

"Okay, stop arguing, okay, do you want other groups to see our jokes?"

Luo Xiaoxiao had already guessed that this would be the case. Ding Mo and Cai Na seemed to be getting along even harder. This was just the beginning, so what should we do next?
"There's one here, let's go in and have a look."

Ding Mo suddenly grabbed Luo Xiaoxiao, raised his chin to Cai Na: "You go in first."

Cai Na pointed to herself: "Me?"

"Is there anyone else here?"

"But, I."

Luo Xiaoxiao broke away from Ding Mo's hand: "I'll accompany you"

"Let her go. Generally, there is only one old man in such a resident's house. Too many people will make the old man panic. Cai Na, go in alone."

(End of this chapter)

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