Chapter 375 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (39)

"Let her go. Generally, there is only one old man in such a resident's house. Too many people will make the old man panic. Cai Na, go in alone."

"But why me?"

"Is there a difference who is it? Aren't you a member of this group? Or was your original plan to hide behind the two of us and let us be your umbrella?"

"No, no, I didn't think so."

"Forget it, I'll go." Luo Xiaoxiao was afraid that the two would quarrel again.

Ding Mo stopped her: "Cai Na's looks are very pleasing to the elderly, you and I are too fierce."

Ding Mo's calm analysis made Luo Xiaoxiao unable to refute.

At this time, the aura displayed on her body gave Luo Xiaoxiao a glimpse of her back then.

Cai Na looked at Luo Xiaoxiao, hesitating in her steps.

Ding Mo frowned slightly: "You still want me to take you in?"

Cai Na lowered her head, hesitated for a while, pushed open the door, and walked in.

Luo Xiaoxiao watched her leave, her thin back looked pitiful.

"Ding Mo, even if you don't like her, I hope you can see that we are a team, and at least give her some leeway on the table. Of course, if you treat her like this because of me, you don't have to. You can deal with me directly."

She was too selfish towards Cai Na, and Luo Xiaoxiao had to suspect that she was making excuses.

Ding Hei sneered in reply to Luo Xiaoxiao: "I don't have time for these silly tricks."

"." Luo Xiaoxiao really didn't want to have any more contact with this woman.

After a while, Cai Na came back.

Just, empty-handed.

Inside the house, the old man's curses could be heard from time to time.

Cai Na's face was pale, her eye circles were red, and she was obviously very wronged.

"What's wrong?" Luo Xiaoxiao asked hastily.

"...I didn't say anything, she started scolding me, I didn't even say a word why she was like this, I didn't do anything."

"Okay, okay, maybe she's in a bad mood."

Cai Na hid in Luo Xiaoxiao's arms and began to cry.

Ding Mo folded his arms and looked at him coldly.

When Cai Na finished crying, Ding Mo said: "Are you giving up now? It's almost dark, and according to our speed, we can only visit four or five houses at most. Do you want us to sleep on the ground tonight?"

"But I've tried my best"

"Go in and ask again."


"Why, why don't you go in?"

"Because you are the weakest in this group." Ding Mo spit out the truth mercilessly: "How can you kill a chicken with a butcher's knife?"


Seeing that the two are about to face each other again.

Luo Xiaoxiao got up: "I'll go."

Ding Mo frowned, Luo Xiaoxiao said before she could speak: "I don't have time to talk so much now, I don't want to sleep on the ground tonight."

After speaking, he strode in.

The old man was still scolding, Luo Xiaoxiao stopped, listened for a while, and roughly understood what the old man was scolding, it turned out that her son hadn't come to see her, the old man felt lonely, and couldn't help but hold back when he met someone The words all poured out.

Luo Xiaoxiao stood at the door, listening to the old man's non-stop talk about how unfilial his son was, and suddenly tears welled up in her eyes. She wondered whether her parents had scolded her in the same way during the years she had been away. What's the difference with the son?
She suddenly opened the door and walked to the old man's bed.

He hugged the old man and cried loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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