Chapter 381 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (47)

Luo Xiaoxiao felt that the strength in her body was losing strength, and the strength of her struggle was getting weaker and weaker.

She couldn't help thinking that strangling her to death was better than being drowned. She really didn't want to experience that fear again.

Ming Xixuan looked at her expression of seeing death as home, and remembered her betrayal back then. She hadn't heard from her for so many years even though she wasn't dead. When she appeared, she was entangled with Gu Ze again. The anger in her heart immediately burned his sanity.

He lifted her to the edge of the cliff.

The strong sea breeze blowing from the deep sea instantly took away her body temperature. She was cold and afraid, and kept shaking.

The body hangs down limply, and the head slowly rests on his wrist.

The first ray of morning light finally lit up from the sea.

He narrowed his eyes and saw her pale little face.

A sign of expression.

"Hey, it's dawn, are you all right?!"

Cai Na walked behind the rock, poked her head and let out a soft cry.

No one answered.

Cai Na yelled again.

At this time, a hand patted her shoulder, making her cry out in fright.

Ding Mo pushed her away, looked at her lying on the ground in embarrassment, gave her a hard look, and then suddenly shouted: "Luo Xiaoxiao, the staff have started work, how long are you going to play? I I'm looking for you!"

After shouting, Ding Mo looked at Cai Na: "I don't care what your purpose is, it's best to stop immediately, Luo Xiaoxiao is not like me, you haven't seen her stalking, you won't have time to regret it if you die! "

Cai Na no longer pretended, and a look of reluctance flashed in her eyes: "When did you find out?"

Ding Mo was worried about Luo Xiaoxiao, ignored her, and walked quickly behind the rock.

The sky has brightened.

Ding Mo called Luo Xiaoxiao's name and searched all the way.

Finally, they beat the unconscious Luo Xiaoxiao on the top of the mountain.

Ding Mo hurried over.

Luo Xiaoxiao was lying face down on a rock, she had been unconscious for an unknown amount of time, and there was a series of footprints around her, which belonged to men.

Ding Mo hurriedly looked around and found no one, so he helped Luo Xiaoxiao onto his back.

Help down the mountain step by step.

Cai Na didn't leave where she was, and when she saw Ding Mo supporting Luo Xiaoxiao back, she didn't intend to step forward to help.

Ding Mo didn't think that she could help, so he helped Luo Xiaoxiao into the room by himself.

Wet the towel again and placed it on her forehead.

After carefully examining her body, she discovered that there was a circle of blue-purple pinch marks on her neck.

Can not help but stunned.

She thought that Cai Na was just greedy for profit and wanted Luo Xiaoxiao to do some heavy work, but she never thought that it was to lure Luo Xiaoxiao into a trap.

If she hadn't gone in time, she might have died.

This already constitutes a crime.

But who did she offend?To put her to death?
 Could it be the family? !
No, they won't be so cruel, even if they don't like her, just let her go down the list like they did to her back then, why kill people?
Ding Mo is not sure whether she should call the police, after all, the other party may be from the same family, and if she provokes them, it will really be bad for Luo Xiaoxiao
While thinking, Luo Xiaoxiao slowly woke up.

Ding Mo said coldly: "Are you a fool? Do you believe anyone's words? I really don't know how you have survived until now!"

Luo Xiaoxiao was scolded as soon as she woke up, and someone else would definitely be angry.

But Luo Xiaoxiao was stunned.

Staring at the ceiling intently, his expression was a little numb.

"Scared? Tell me, who did it?"

"It's true that they haven't gone far, it's still too late to call the police!"


(End of this chapter)

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