Chapter 382 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (48)

"Scared? Tell me, who did it?"

"It's true that they haven't gone far, it's still too late to call the police!"


"It's useless." Luo Xiaoxiao finally spoke, but her breath was weak and her voice was hoarse and unpleasant.

Ding Mo was silent for a while, vaguely understood that this matter was not simple, and decided to respect Luo Xiaoxiao's decision.

"Can you get up? Work starts in half an hour."

"Please help me up."

Ding Mo held her arm and helped her sit up. Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't sit still. Ding Mo pressed her shoulders, looked at her pale face, and was worried: "Is it really okay?"

"It's ok."

Ding Mo helped Luo Xiaoxiao out of bed, and helped her walk around the room.

Luo Xiaoxiao walked very slowly, but at least she was able to walk normally.

"Thank you." Luo Xiaoxiao said to Ding Mo.

"Thank me?"

"Thank you for not asking."

Ding Mo curled his lips slightly: "I'm just not interested."

Luo Xiaoxiao smiled.

Breaking free from Ding Mo's hand, he walked to the bathroom alone.

Standing by the sink, looking at himself in the mirror, pale, frightened, almost like a living dead.

The same nightmare repeated itself again and again.

But this time, it's not just her who is in danger, but also Gu Ze.

At the last moment when he let her go, he didn't show mercy, but leaned into her ear and cursed coldly: "Take care of your little lover."

On the white neck, there was a circle of bluish-purple pinch marks, which was shocking.

She took a look, and hurriedly looked away, not wanting to think of the horrible scene just now.

After coming out of the bathroom, she said to Ding Mo, "Do you have a scarf?"

Taking the scarf handed over by Ding Mo and wrapping it around her neck, she tried to grin.

Even though it was stiff, it was much better than before.

Ding Mo looked at her, as if seeing his former self, stubborn and unwilling to admit defeat.

The two were about to go out when Cai Na happened to enter the house.

Disgust flashed in Ding Mo's eyes.

Luo Xiaoxiao looked at her without speaking.

Cai Na made a sign and walked over: "Xiao Xiao, where did you go? I'm so worried."

Cai Na's face was slapped crookedly. She covered her face and turned her head in disbelief: "Xiao Xiao, you, why are you?"

"The props of the program group? The props have always been managed by the props group. How could you know where they are? Yesterday you were the one who came in before the two of us. How did you hear the director's words? I have been away for so long and haven't come back. Why don't you go?" Looking for me, but Ding Mo helping me back?"

"I overheard it."

"Where did you hear it at what time?"

".I do not remember."

Luo Xiaoxiao shook her head, a look of sadness flashed in her eyes, it was obvious that she treated her so sincerely, but what she got was betrayal: "Before breaking up, I will give you one last piece of advice, stay away from that man, he will know nothing Give it to you, it will only give you pain."

On the same day, Luo Xiaoxiao put forward a request to change the group again, but the program group refused to agree on the grounds that the effect of the program was not satisfactory.

But this is not important, the important thing is that Luo Xiaoxiao has already seen Cai Na's character clearly.

But she would never have imagined that Cai Na's influence on her was far more than that.

At this time, France.

The door opened slowly, and the dazzling sunlight entered the cold and dark room.

"Third Young Master, everyone is waiting for you in the lobby. Please."

Two days and two nights of confinement did not diminish Gu Ze's demeanor.

He got up and walked out of the hall calmly, but the moment he walked out the door, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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