Chapter 383 Where are you, Gu Ze (1)

Two days and two nights of confinement did not diminish Gu Ze's demeanor.

He got up and walked out of the hall calmly, but the moment he walked out the door, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the luxurious hall, four men in their 40s were seated one by one, all with solemn faces, gorgeously dressed, and extraordinary demeanor.

Uncle Long bowed his head and stood aside.

The man in the beige coat on the left put down the teacup in his hand and said, "I just rushed back, how is the old lady?"

The person who spoke was Gu Ze's second uncle, Gu Shenglin, who was also Gu Yixuan's father.He had just got off the plane, and his face was still a little tired, but the face similar to Gu Yixuan was more mature and sharp.

Hearing this, someone chuckled lightly.

"Second brother's business is expanding really fast, but no matter how big the business is, I can't forget the old lady. If she hears your words, I don't know how sad it will be." It's better to come directly from the company.

"Shengtian, I don't have the time to argue with you. I might as well take care of your precious son when I have the time."

Gu Shengtian, who is also Gu Ze's third uncle, got up straight when he heard this, and threw away his sloppy face: "When controlling others, first reflect on yourself, my baby is not worth a ten thousandth of your Yixuan One, at least Ah Tian didn’t get me a bastard.”

  Gu Shenglin chuckled when he heard the words, and turned the cup in his hand: "That means that Axuan has at least that ability. You have to understand a truth. The socket has been plugged in hundreds of times but none of the lights are on. That's not the reason for the lights, but Plug problem."

Gu Sheng's weather was frustrating, and he couldn't find a word to talk back. He slammed the cup and rolled his eyes: "Yes, this is heredity. I don't think you did it back then."

"Get out if you keep arguing!" With a stern voice, both of them were successfully shut up.

  Gu Shengrong was dressed in beige home clothes, sitting in the first place, coldly beating his two younger brothers.

The two just got together and quarreled endlessly, without looking at what day it was.

"Where is the person, did you bring it?"

Uncle Long bowed his head: "Here, sir, are you in good health? Do you need me to call the doctor?"

Gu Shengrong, that is, Gu Ze's father, the eldest brother among the four, shook his head when he heard the words, took out a handkerchief, pressed it lightly to the corner of his mouth, coughed a few times, his face was terribly pale.

"It's been decades, what's the use of calling it?" The tone was quite self-deprecating.

"Brother, let's have some tea." The man who spoke was the man who had been silent in the corner. Different from the appearance of the three people in front, the man's appearance was more feminine. He was wearing a beige top, taking advantage of his fair and soft face. , he is the youngest fourth brother among the four, Gu Shengxuan, who has been obsessed with painting and flowers since he was a child, has an introverted personality, and rarely goes out of the house.

"I am fine."

Gu Shengrong was quite patient with the youngest brother who had a quiet personality: "How are you doing with your painting recently?"

"Brother is too eccentric. I haven't come back for so long, and you don't ask me how I am. It's really sad." Gu Shengtian had a hurt expression on his face.

Gu Shengrong ignored him, he had heard more or less about the affairs of these two younger brothers outside, the business was getting bigger and bigger, and their reputation was getting better and better, so why should he care about it with a medicine jar?

Gu Shengxuan smiled, rather shyly, and sent several invitation letters to several elder brothers.

Gu Shengtian took it over and took a look: "Not bad, our Xiaoxuan is now a great painter."

(End of this chapter)

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