Chapter 384 Where are you, Gu Ze (2)

Followed by his subordinates: "Third Young Master is here."

The four put down their things one after another and raised their heads.

The slender man walked into the hall against the light, his steps were steady, calm and calm.

Even though the four most respected heads of the family were sitting in the hall, their footsteps did not show the slightest timidity.

He walked to the center of the hall, stopped slowly, looked around the faces of everyone, and said slowly: "The uncles are all here."

"My boy, I have become more and more extraordinary in the past few years. Look, I said that a man has to go out and venture, hide in the shade of his own family all day long, hide in his own small manor, even if he is a dragon, It's going to become a worm, what do you think, second brother?" Gu Shengtian said with a smile.

Gu Shenglin snorted coldly: "It's better than doing nothing outside and losing the face of my family."

"You don't understand that, Ling Xi has a restrained personality. She doesn't look like someone's treasure. I'm afraid people don't know that he is the young master of the Gu family. I don't know how many things he brought back with the fame of the Gu family. That is the real corruption." reputation."

"Are you enough?! If you want to quarrel, go out and quarrel with me!"

As soon as Gu Shengrong spoke, both of them stopped talking.

Gu Shengxuan looked at Gu Ze with relief in his eyes: "Ah Ze has grown taller and is even more handsome than when he was a child. How have you been all these years? Have you ever been wronged outside?"

Gu Ze shook his head: "Thank you, Uncle Si, for your concern."

"Ah Ze, go and help Ah Xuan when you have time. Don't think he is older than you, but in terms of sensibleness, you are the only one of the three children in the Gu family. Don't always let your second brother do it for that one." The naughty son is troubled, look how old he is now." Gu Shengtian couldn't help poking fun at his second brother whenever he had the chance, and the two had been fighting for so many years since they were young.

Gu Shenglin made a gesture to refute, but was glared at by Gu Shengrong, barely suppressing his anger.

"What Uncle San said was that the brothers and sisters used to help each other, but the elder brother has been making a lot of noise in running the company over the years, and I, a junior, still have to learn from him." Gu Ze laughed.

With this sentence, neither side should be offended, and both of them gave enough face, so that the two of them had nothing to say for a while.

I can't help but feel that the little eagles have grown up, and their wings are hardened one by one.

From the beginning to the end, Gu Ze didn't even look at Gu Shengrong.
Gu Shengrong was a little unhappy.

"Okay, don't talk about it, don't forget the purpose of today."

Gu Ze was locked up for two days. Although the three meals were normal, the room was damp and stuffy. Uncle Long was afraid that he would not be able to resist, so he specially brought a chair over.

Gu Shengrong said: "Let him stand, and he will be punished if he does something wrong. How can he become a big deal if he can't bear such a little bit of suffering?"

Uncle Long: "Master, Third Young Master."

"I'm defenseless." Gu Ze politely rejected Uncle Long, keeping his back straight.

"Okay, now let's talk about the business. The old lady's injury is not optimistic. She is getting older, and now she has a new disease and an old injury. I am afraid that her leg will be damaged, and she may not be able to walk from now on. Now, do you know how much trouble you have caused?"

 Gu Ze was silent.

"You know Tianai's reckless temper and still don't like her?!"

"It has nothing to do with Tianai."

"Why is it irrelevant? The guard told me that it was Tianai who knocked down the old lady. At most, you are a poor guard. Don't think that it is great to take all the charges on you. Who will remember you?"

This sentence is for Gu Shenglin, Tianai is his adopted daughter, but she didn't show any mistakes when she made a mistake, instead she pushed it to Gu Ze.

If Gu Shengrong hadn't investigated again, he would have been deceived by them.

(End of this chapter)

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