Chapter 385 Where are you, Gu Ze (3)

This sentence is for Gu Shenglin, Tianai is his adopted daughter, but she didn't show any mistakes when she made a mistake, instead she pushed it to Gu Ze.

If Gu Shengrong hadn't investigated again, he would have been deceived by them.

Gu Shenglin naturally understood, frowned, and said: "Brother, don't be angry, I just came back today, and the things here are not very clear, since you have investigated and found out, I will do as you like, God Let Tianai bear the fault of love." Turning to Uncle Long: "Call Tianai to come here!"

Uncle Long nodded.

Gu Ze pulled him back and looked at Gu Shengrong: "No need, Tianai doesn't understand anything, I'll take it on myself."

"Hurry up!" Gu Shengrong ignored him and shouted to Uncle Long.

Uncle Long had no choice but to ask someone to call Tianai.

Gu Ze's eyes flashed coldly, and he looked up at Gu Shengrong.

Holding the teacup, Gu Shengrong felt Gu Ze's gaze, and his expression froze: "Are you looking at your father's gaze?!"

"Father. Huh."

Gu Ze chuckled.

Gu Shengrong faintly suppressed his anger: "I forgive you for coughing and coughing just after you came back."

"Brother? Drink some water first, don't worry, Aze has no other intentions, just coming back and not getting used to it." Gu Shengxuan winked at Gu Ze frequently, but Gu Ze just stood coldly, nothing to do with the matter own appearance.

Gu Shengrong's cough became more and more severe.

Gu Shenglin and Gu Shengtian couldn't sit still anymore.

"Brother, why not another day, your body is the most important thing."

"Yeah, it's not the first time these juniors have caused some trouble. There's no need to be so angry. You should go back first."

"I didn't. Keke cough."

"Ah Ze, what are you still standing there for, come here soon!" Gu Shengxuan looked anxious.

"Don't shout. Cough cough him, I'll pretend I don't have this son cough cough cough."

"Brother, stop talking, Uncle Long, call the doctor!"

After a period of chaos, Gu Shengrong was finally carried out.

Passing by Gu Ze alone, he just stared ahead with his expression unchanged.

Gu Shengxuan followed and ran out to take care of Gu Shengrong.

Only Gu Shenglin and Gu Shengtian were left in the hall.

"Brother's illness seems to be getting worse." Gu Shengtian tsk-tsk, lazily picked up the teacup, took a sip, seemed to remember that Gu Shengrong's son was still standing in the hall, and immediately apologized: "I made a slip of the tongue, Aze, don't blame your third uncle, you also know my temperament, I have always been informal."

"No defense." Gu Ze smiled lightly.

"Why hasn't Tianai arrived yet? It can't be that someone just faked the order and sent people back as soon as the elder brother left."

Gu Shenglin glared at Gu Shengxuan: "You are so silly, does your son know?"


Gu Ze calmly watched the two bicker until Tian Ai was brought to the hall.

Tian Ai was brought to the hall with a bewildered expression, sleepiness still on her face.

"Abba Sanbo"

"Your Majesty!"

   Tianai fell to her knees with a plop, but fear was welling up in her eyes before she understood what was going on.

"Say, did you hit the old lady?!" Gu Shenglin said in a deep voice.

Tianai opened her mouth blankly.

"Still telling the truth?!"

"Don't be like this, you scare the kids, my love, tell Sanbo, did you knock the old lady down? If so, just say it obediently, lest your dad's menopause attack happen, and I will vent on you~ .”

"It has nothing to do with her." Gu Ze pulled Tianai up and wiped the dust off her body.

(End of this chapter)

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