Chapter 388 Where are you, Gu Ze (6)

Gu Ze has already forced him: "It's better that you didn't attack her!" Every word was as cold as ice: "It's not that I can't resist, if she suffers any harm, I will not hesitate to kill her!"

"Third Young Master, please calm down. This is not my phone call. If I did it, I, Tianlong, will show up and will never hide it!"

Gu Yixuan was having fun watching the excitement, and suddenly remembered something.

"Wait, at that time he said that you were sick, and that the old lady wanted me to go back. No matter how courageous he is, he wouldn't dare to falsely pass on the old man's order, right? You have been at my house these days?"

"Yes, the old lady is receiving treatment at the Royal Hospital, and it is impossible to convey orders to me. If you have any questions, you can call up my call records."

Gu Ze gradually regained his senses, but the next guess made him even more unacceptable.

If it wasn't for Uncle Long, who would know the Long family well, even knew that Gu Yixuan went to X City to protect Luo Xiaoxiao?

And why do you have to let him go.
Faintly, a person's name came to mind.

  Those savage eyes.
"Three Young Masters?!"

Seeing Gu Ze striding away from Gu Yixuan and striding out, Uncle Long chased after him.

"You can't leave the house! This is the old lady's order!"

"Third Young Master!"

Seeing that Gu Ze had walked out of the room, Uncle Long ordered quietly: "Stop him!"

From the corner, ran out a dozen strong men with silver masks on their faces. They were soldiers trained by Uncle Long himself, each of them swore to be filial and loyal to the ancient family with their lives.

Among them were the people who accompanied Uncle Long to intercept Luo Xiaoxiao.

Gu Ze was surrounded by people.

"Go away!" His eyes were ruthless, as cruel as a ghost official.

He has no time, and Ming Xixuan has already started to do it!

"Third Young Master, I know what you are worried about, and I will send someone to protect you"

"You think I'll still trust you?"

Long Shuweiling: "It's true that I was incapable of doing things and didn't realize when the other party got my news, but please give me time to make up for it. I believe that this inner ghost will be caught."

"Let me go! Immediately!" The chill that gushed out of his eyes was definitely not a joke.

He couldn't wait a second.

When he thought that Luo Xiaoxiao was falling into Ming Xixuan's palm without knowing it, he almost went crazy.

"I'm sorry, you can have other requests. Even if you ask my family to send someone to protect Miss Luo, I can't let you go."

Gu Ze grinned suddenly, his murderous aura enveloping everyone.

Uncle Long froze: "Third Young Master, please don't be impulsive. The old lady is not trying to make things difficult for you. Everything is for you."

The last word disappeared in Gu Ze's movements.

Gu Ze has joined the battle.

More than a dozen people fought against one, but Gu Ze never backed down, and when he was in danger, he even went up to the weakest and most deadly part of his body.

The opponent was startled by his style of play, and hesitated for a while, but Gu Ze opened a gap.

Seeing the opportunity, Gu Ze kicked a man down and rushed out.

Ge's, a black muzzle aimed at Gu Ze.

"Third Young Master, please stop!"

Gu Yixuan poked his head out to watch the fun, but he couldn't help being shocked when he saw Uncle Long pull out a gun suddenly.

"Are you crazy?! He just wants to go back, why don't you kill him?"

"Third Young Master, please come back!"

Gu Ze turned his head, glanced at him, and suddenly smiled slowly.

Then strode downstairs.


The gun went off.

Gu Ze fell forward.

Gu Yixuan was stunned for a moment, pushed Uncle Long away, ran to the stairs, and saw Gu Ze lying under the stairs, motionless.

He turned his head in horror, and saw the opponent's gun pointing at himself.

(End of this chapter)

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