Chapter 389 Where are you, Gu Ze (7)

Gu Yixuan was stunned for a moment, pushed Uncle Long away, ran to the stairs, and saw Gu Ze lying under the stairs, motionless.

He turned his head in horror, and saw the opponent's gun pointing at himself.

".Wait, wait, I'm just passing by, I"

The gun rang, Gu Yixuan's fingers were still in the air, his beautiful eyes stared unwillingly, and finally closed them slowly.

Putting away the guns, Uncle Long ordered: "Bring the young master and the third young master back to the room, and put them in prison."


Luo Xiaoxiao always felt distracted and couldn't explain why, even if she was listening to the director's speech comfortably, she could still be in a daze, and her whole heart flew far away.

Ding Mo repeatedly reminded her several times, and in the end he simply blocked her behind and blocked the ubiquitous cameras.

Another day passed.

There is still no news from Gu Ze, and the mobile phone seems to be a decoration.

She couldn't help but wonder if the message box would explode the day he turned it on.

Can't help but start to worry again.

Since Ming Xixuan can find her, he will definitely be able to find Ze's whereabouts. I don't know if he will do anything to him.

After the director ordered the task, everyone dispersed, and Ding Mo pulled Luo Xiaoxiao aside.

"Do you want to quit?"

Luo Xiaoxiao shook her head: "I'm sorry."

"Don't tell me I'm sorry, you're sorry for yourself, cheer me up, I don't want to see my teammates look half-dead."

Luo Xiaoxiao managed to pull herself together and smiled at Ding Mo.

Ding Mo sighed helplessly.

"Has the director assigned any tasks?"

"I heard that the sky will change at night. The director may be afraid that something will happen and there will be no problems. He just asked each team to send one person to find the ingredients for dinner."

"Oh, let me go then."

"No need, someone has already volunteered."

Ding Mo clicked his chin.

Cai Na picked up a small basket and was ready.

"She's self-conscious." Ding Mo's words were full of contempt for Cai Na. He didn't have a good impression of her, and Luo Xiaoxiao's incident made her feel cold towards Cai Na.

Luo Xiaoxiao looked at Cai Na, watching her move the basket to her shoulder with difficulty, she was small, but the basket was big, no matter how she stretched out her hand, she couldn't touch the rope on it.

All the other teams had members helping, but their team was clearly divided into two factions.

Luo Xiaoxiao sighed: "Let's go there, I don't know what to say after being photographed by the media."

Ding Mo folded his arms, his lazy eyes raised slightly: "Why do you care about them?"

"I'm not like you. Your image is positioned like a queen. I'm a cheerful and kind-hearted little girl next door." Luo Xiaoxiao winked at her, then walked towards Cai Na.

Cai Na only felt light on her body and turned her head.

"Thank you." Cai Na seemed to be smiling shyly as if nothing had happened.

"No need."

"I will help you get back a big basket of dinner, you must eat it all."

". Cai Na, the camera has turned."

Cai Na's smile froze at the corner of her mouth, she slowly restrained herself, then turned around and strode away.

The ingredients for dinner are hidden in various places of the sea stall, including vegetables, melons and fruits, and seafood.
Almost every serving is the same, just in different proportions.

Cai Na easily found the biggest Lanzi.

Bending down to open it, there is a layer of vegetables on the top, fruits in the middle, and a crab at the bottom. Undoubtedly, what she got was the blue one with the least seafood.

The following camera pointed the camera at her.

(End of this chapter)

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