Chapter 390 Where are you, Gu Ze (8)

The following camera pointed the camera at her.

"The third group found the biggest portion of food ahead of time. They were really lucky. Although there were less seafood, there were really many types of vegetables. Girls like to eat vegetables, and there are so many fruits."

Cai Na suddenly got up and walked away.

The camera followed: "Don't you like this one?"

Cai Na smiled and shook her head: "Of course I like it, it's just that I wanted to eat seafood before I came out. Of course I will try my best to meet her request."

"Is that so, you really won't regret giving up the best food for your teammates?"

"It's nothing, I'm not picky eaters, I can eat anything."

  Beside the sea stall, there is a bunch of food picked by other groups.

Obviously she gave up after seeing Cai Na lose that share.

The food was turned around a lot, and the few tomatoes were broken.

Cai Na threw away the broken tomatoes with some distress. Now, there were only eight or nine crabs left in the basket.

She put the crabs into her basket: "Although there are no vegetables, these crabs should be enough for the two of them."

Luo Xiaoxiao and Ding Mo stood by the stove, waiting for Cai Na to come back.

The other groups came back one after another.

Luo Xiaoxiao watched them pick out vegetables, eggs, and even meat from the basket, and swallowed unconsciously.

Ding Mo was a little surprised: "Didn't you drink all the porridge left over from breakfast? Why are you hungry again?"

Luo Xiaoguai was embarrassed: "I don't know, maybe the amount of exercise these days is a bit heavy."

Ding Mo looked at her, making her panic.

"I know what you want to ask, I'm not pregnant, really."

"Is your one here yet?"


"How many months?"

"I've always been inaccurate, maybe, it's more than half a month late."

"How are you sure you're not pregnant?"

Little General Luo told her the whole story, and Ding Mo frowned: "You didn't go to review it?"

Luo Xiaoxiao shook her head: "I thought it wasn't a big deal, and the symptoms have improved a lot in the past few days, maybe it's really a stomach problem."

"Okay." Ding Mo interrupted her suddenly.

It turned out that Cai Na was back.

"I kept you waiting for a long time, let's see what good things I brought back for you." Cai Na smiled like a flower. From the perspective of outsiders, the relationship between the three must be unreasonable.

Luo Xiaoxiao was really hungry, she even prepared the pot.

He looked helplessly at Cai Na's basket.

Cai Na put down the basket, and under Luo Xiaoxiao's expectant gaze, slowly lifted the cloth on it.



"How is it?" Cai Na asked with a smile.

Luo Xiaoxiao stared at the big fat crabs in the basket, and her saliva began to drip: "I'm going to boil the water."

Ding Mo turned his body slightly, kicked Lan Zi with his foot, then raised his eyebrows: "Only crabs?"

"Yeah, I searched for a long time before I found this, and they still can't eat it if they want it."

"Don't you know that some people are allergic to seafood? What if it causes diarrhea?" Ding Mo asked coldly.

Cai Na saw that the camera was turning to her, and her expression became sad: "I'm sorry, I remember that you and Xiaoxiao both like seafood, so I'm sorry for arbitrarily advocating."

Ding Mo knew that she was acting, and she could definitely accompany her in acting, but she didn't bother to pay attention to her to increase her exposure.

The corner of his mouth twitched, he turned around, and strode away.

"The water is boiling, who of you brought the crab over?"

"Let me do it."

  Cai Na picked out the crabs with a basin and brought them to Luo Xiaoxiao.

(End of this chapter)

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