Chapter 395 Where are you, Gu Ze (13)

Ding Mo turned around.

Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes were dry, and there were no tears: "What should I do?"

Ding Mo sat down again, looked at her, and said slowly: "How much criticism you can bear, how much praise you can get."

"That's how you came here back then?"

"Me? No, it's worse than you. Have you ever tasted falling directly from heaven to hell? Yesterday, you said that you will always leave you in a blink of an eye, and take your flesh and blood. You have changed from a victim to The victim was rejected by everyone. When I was penniless and betrayed by everyone, I was thinking, I, Ding Mo, have never done anything wrong to anyone in my life. Why should I suffer such pain? I can’t figure it out. I thought about committing suicide and cut it off with a blade. At that moment, I suddenly figured it out. Could it be that if a group of pigs call me a pig, I have to admit that I am a pig, and then automatically stand up to the butcher? This is too stupid. I, Ding Mo, have a lot of things to do. But I'm not in the mood to play with them."

Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing, and began to admire the woman in front of her sincerely. She was the strongest grass, and she believed that no matter what she encountered, she would never be knocked down again.

"Thank you, it was a pleasure chatting with you."

"What kind of compliment is this? I'm not here to chat with you."

Luo Xiaoxiao shook her head helplessly, this woman's mouth is really poisonous and cute.

"Go ahead, I can do it by myself."

Ding Mo snorted: "I didn't even want to stay."

Luo Xiaoxiao now understands her temperament somewhat.

"Yes, yes, I'm being self-indulgent, so go quickly."

Ding Mo got up and left. Before he could leave the room, he heard the sound of Luo Xiaoxiao getting up from the bed and going to the bathroom.

  Luo Xiaoxiao sat slumped on the floor, holding the toilet with both hands, with an ugly expression on her face.

Ding Mo pushed open the door.

Luo Xiaoxiao looked up at her.


Luo Xiaoxiao's expression was complicated, her eyes flashed with shock, anticipation, hesitation and a little panic, she stood up slowly, and slowly stroked her lower abdomen with her right hand, her voice trembling: "Maybe, as you said, I'm pregnant .”

Luo Xiaoxiao was just guessing, she didn't have any solid evidence, and she couldn't get out of the crew to go to the hospital for examination.

But just this small guess also made her overwhelmed with excitement.

It seemed that suddenly there was an extra responsibility on her shoulders, which made her stand there blankly, not knowing what to do.

"There may already be a small thing inside." She looked at her belly anxiously, unable to imagine that another little life was being bred inside.

It was amazing, it was in her belly, it was one with her.

It has her and Gu Ze's blood flowing in it, maybe it is a handsome boy like Gu Ze, maybe it will be a little angel who likes to rely on his father
She was amazed at her guess.

I don't even know where to put my hands.

Ding Mo looked at her amusedly: "It's not sure yet, you were scared first."

"What should I do? Should I still participate in the show? What if I fall down? Ah, why am I so slow? What are I eating these days? I need nutrition. Ah, I'm still losing weight!"

Luo Xiaoxiao looked guilty, and turned around in circles: "I am an unqualified mother, I am sorry for her, I will go to the kitchen now, I want to eat, eat as much as I can!"

Seeing that she was about to leave the door, Ding Mo said inappropriately: "I'm afraid that's not what you need to care about now."

"I don't have time now, wait until I get back."

Ding Mo took a few steps forward and blocked the door: "No, you can't wait any longer."

(End of this chapter)

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