Chapter 396 Where are you, Gu Ze (14)

"I don't have time now, wait until I get back."

Ding Mo took a few steps forward and blocked the door: "No, you can't wait any longer."

"Ding Mo, can we talk about it when we come back tonight? Aren't you going to do the mission?"

"Luo Xiaoxiao, are you still unable to contact Gu Ze?"

".He is on a business trip in Africa. I heard that it is a very remote place."

"Hey, he's Gu Ze. As long as he wants to, he can build a launch pad in the local area in a day. You still believe this?!"

Luo Xiaoxiao was silent, and suddenly stretched out his hand: "I'm hungry, if I have anything to say, I'll talk about it tonight."

"You can't escape anymore. You won't be able to hide the news of your pregnancy for long. You must start planning now!"

"Let me out."

"He's not on a business trip at all. He's going back to his hometown. The reason why he didn't tell you is because."

"Ding Mo!" Luo Xiaoxiao yelled, then suddenly lowered his head powerlessly: "Please don't say that."

".You know everything?"

"Don't say it, he will come back, as long as the show is over and I go home, I can see him, nothing happened."

How could she not know?Lin Hui was evasive, the housekeeper hesitated to speak, Gu Ze left without saying goodbye to the extra man in the family.

She's not a fool, she just believes him.

He is Gu Ze, he once asked for the sign of the sacred tree, it was blessed by the gods, and the two of them will be inseparable for the rest of their lives.

She didn't care what happened, she just had to trust him.

"You're so stupid." Ding Mo shook his head, seeing his former self in a daze.

What is love? If you leave you, maybe the right girl will appear again in the next second. Time can fulfill you, and it can also fulfill others. You think that the universe is forever, and others are just yesterday.

What's more, such a character, even if he doesn't have a deep background, will never lack women.

It's just a rich man's game, but he's taken to it.

Also pregnant with a child.
"Luo Xiaoxiao, I always thought you were smart, but now it seems that you are nothing more than that."

"Let me give you one last sentence: my family will not allow this child to wander outside, and it is up to you whether you can keep it."

After Ding Mo left, Luo Xiaoxin was disturbed, like a poisonous weed that she had been deliberately ignoring, finally broke through the ground.

She admitted that what Ding Mo said was right, she knew too little about Gu Ze, and she knew nothing about that terrible family.

People are really greedy. When they are not in love, they expect to get a little love. Once they are in love, they desire to get all of him.

No matter how smart you were, you are still a fool in love.

Gu Ze, will you come back?

Where are you?
Luo Xiaoxiao caressed her stomach, and Ge recalled the oath she had made in the hospital.

If he wanted this child, she would also accompany him.

If he doesn't want it, she will definitely take the child away from him.

Is it time to cut it off?
Luo Xiaoxiao came out of the room, ready to sneak into the kitchen to find some food to eat.

Unexpectedly, she ran into someone she least wanted to meet at the corner.

"Xiao Xiao, I'm still looking for you everywhere. I heard that you're not feeling well. Are you feeling better now?" If he hadn't read the reports on the Internet, Luo Xiaoxiao would not have been able to see what kind of star is behind this smiling face. ugly heart.

"There's no one here, put away your mask."

(End of this chapter)

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