Chapter 397 Where are you, Gu Ze (15)

 "Xiao Xiao, I'm still looking for you everywhere. I heard that you're not feeling well. Are you feeling better now?" If he hadn't read the reports on the Internet, Luo Xiaoxiao would not have been able to see what kind of star is behind this smiling face. ugly heart.

"There's no one here, put away your mask."

Cai Na looked innocent: "Xiao Xiao, what's wrong with you, are you feeling unwell, I don't think you look well."

Cai Na walked over to Luo Xiaoxiao, but Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't figure out what she was going to do, so she stood still.

Cai Na walked up to her and said, "Xiao Xiao, you seem to have a fever. Don't move. I'll test the temperature for you." The corner of her mouth was raised mockingly, but her right hand was not reaching her forehead, but her forehead. It's her shoulders.

At the same time, his mouth moved lightly, mocking silently: "Say goodbye to the baby in your stomach."

Luo Xiaoxiao was startled, she didn't expect that she would dare to make a direct move.

Can't help but dodge to the side, grabbed her arm, and pushed her aside fiercely.

Cai Na fell to the ground all of a sudden.

Luo Xiaoxiao was still in shock, if she hadn't reacted in time, she would have succeeded, maybe the baby in her stomach would have been aborted.

Does this woman have to kill her?Why does she hate her so much? !

Luo Xiaoxiao stepped forward and grabbed her hair, trying to warn her to stay away from her.

click, click, click—

Dazzling flashes came and went.

She froze until someone handed her recording pen in front of her.

"Luo Xiaoxiao, we have already filmed the whole process of your beating, what do you have to say about it?"

"Do you have anything to say about the reports on the Internet these days? Are those things true? Are you really involved with Gu Ze? Is Lin Suya's departure related to you? Why did you hide Luo Shuishui's identity, yes Want to start over?"

Luo Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand to block the camera: "This is a misunderstanding!"

"Audience, we are currently in the shooting scene of "Female". Just now, we captured the picture of Luo Xiaoxiaoou beating his teammate Cai Na. Does this prove another aspect of the online perception of Luo Xiaoxiao's weird personality? Is it true that you have been at odds with your teammates? Is this true? Why did you beat her? Is there anything to explain?"

"I didn't hit her, it was just a misunderstanding."

"We have already photographed it, do you still want to quibble?"

"I can't accept interviews for the time being. You can apply to the program team for an interview time in advance. Sorry, I won't give any explanation now."

Luo Xiaoxiao wanted to retreat to the room, but the back was also crowded with memories.

There are also people in front, left and right, she is surrounded tightly, unable to escape at all.

Somebody touched her, and she almost fell down. She was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat. She protected her stomach with one hand and said, "Please don't touch me, I'm not feeling well."

But the crowd kept coming, and the guards at the door couldn't stop the surging crowd. For a while, the room was full of people, including not only reporters, but also fans of various families.

Luo Xiaoxiao swayed from side to side like a small boat being hit by rough waves.

Ge's was pushed again, she tightly protected her stomach, her face was pale.

"What are you! You are a treasure when you are held in high esteem, what kind of grass do you count if no one holds you in high esteem? How dare you hit someone, shameless, go to hell!" A woman yelled, and was about to come and arrest Luo Xiao. With little hair, Luo Xiaoxiao dodged back and slammed into the wall.

Her patience had finally run out.

"Get the hell out of here! Say I beat Cai Na and show evidence, or I'll sue you for defamation! And you guys, who spread these images without the permission of the crew, just wait for a lawsuit, and you fans , don’t think that everyone has justice, who can’t see your dirty thoughts?! Those who can speak human words will speak to me, and those who can’t speak will go to the pigsty for me!”

(End of this chapter)

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