Chapter 398 Where are you, Gu Ze (16)

Her patience had finally run out.

"Get the hell out of here! Say I beat Cai Na and show evidence, or I'll sue you for defamation! And you guys, who spread these images without the permission of the crew, just wait for a lawsuit, and you fans , don’t think that everyone has justice, who can’t see your dirty thoughts?! Those who can speak human words will speak to me, and those who can’t speak will go to the pigsty for me!”

There was a sudden silence.

Few people dared to go crazy in front of the reporters, but everyone was stunned for a while.

Luo Xiaoxiao took this opportunity to retreat to the room, hoping to get back before they came back to their senses.

Seeing that he was about to touch the handle of the room.

In the crowd, Cai Na's voice suddenly came: "Xiao Xiao, you go back first, let me explain to them."

This sentence is tantamount to throwing a stone on the surface of calm water.

Everyone's emotions boiled again.

Luo Xiaoxiao speeded up and walked towards the room, but the person following behind rushed over like crazy.

Luo Xiaoxiao opened the door, but was pushed hard from behind. Enduring the discomfort, she slammed the door shut.

Leaning against the door panel, the whole person slowly collapsed.

The loud knock on the door continued to sound like raindrops.

Luo Xiaoxiao clutched her stomach and walked slowly to the bedside, cold sweat dripped down her forehead like raindrops.

She had to pull out her phone.

"Help me, I don't seem to be right."

Not long after, Ding Mo's unique steady footsteps sounded outside the door.

"What are you doing here? Do you want me to call the police?"

"She's Ding Mo? I heard that she and Luo Xiaoxiao conspired to exclude Cai Na!"

Ding Mo sneered, she has long been accustomed to such slander and attacks, her lazy eyes fixed on the reporter, and a cold smile curled up on the corner of her mouth: "Yes, you are right, have you ever thought that if a If a person is hated by the other two at the same time, is that her problem or the other two's problem?"

The other party was speechless.

Ding Mo swept across the crowd: "Do you know what you are doing now? If anything happened to Luo Xiaoxiao, it would be a crime of injury. Each of you is the main culprit. I have already called the police. You are waiting for the police~ Are you driven away when the police come, or do you leave by yourself?"

"We're just doing normal interviews." Someone tried to redeem.

"Yes, murderers always have such and such reasons, will you choose to forgive him?"


Ding Mo's poisonous tongue was already well-known in the circle, and he had enough information, no matter how unwilling everyone was, they had no choice but to leave.

The crowd dispersed, but Cai Na was still lying on the ground.

Ding Mo's eyes were like poisonous needles, which made her feel cold, so he patted the dust, stood up by himself,

"Sister Ding, say hello to Xiaoxiao for me, don't ruin our sisterhood because of this."

"It's easy to say, if you are bitten by a dog, you won't be able to bite another dog. You can rest assured."

Cai Na's face was ugly.

Ding Mo turned around and knocked on the door.

"Open the door, it's me."

It took a long time before the door was opened a crack, Luo Xiaoxiao had exhausted all her strength and was sweating profusely.

"How are you doing?"

Luo Xiaoxiao pressed her stomach tightly: "Ding Mo, my stomach hurts. I was pushed a few times and I may have hit a wall. I can't wait anymore."

".Okay, I'll go talk to the director."

Ding Mo put her away and hurried out.

The director also knew that what happened earlier was his mistake, so he graciously let her go and let Ding Mo go with her.

In the car, Luo Xiaoxiao tightly grabbed Ding Mo's hand: "I really hate if something happens to him. I will not let anyone off today!"

"Don't be nervous, emotional agitation may also cause fetal movement, relax."

(End of this chapter)

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