Chapter 399 Where are you, Gu Ze (17)

The director also knew that what happened earlier was his mistake, so he graciously let her go and let Ding Mo go with her.

In the car, Luo Xiaoxiao tightly grabbed Ding Mo's hand: "I really hate myself if something happens to him. I will not let anyone off today!"

"Don't be nervous, emotional agitation may also cause fetal movement, relax."

The car drove all the way to the hospital.

As a result, there was a reporter who Wenfeng had been waiting there for a long time.

Ding Mo looked at the reporter cars by the window: "It's Cai Na, she must have heard us talking."

"Go to XX Hospital."

"Is it reliable?" Ding Mo asked.

"Reliable. I have acquaintances there."

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of the hospital.

Someone was already waiting at the door.

Li Zexuan saw Luo Xiaoxiao's cell phone shaking at the car door, and quickly ordered someone to carry Luo Xiaoxiao out on a stretcher, and then covered it with clothes.

"Xiao Xiao, you'll be fine. I've made an appointment with the best gynecologist in advance. Don't worry."

Luo Xiaoxiao dared not face him.If she was not desperate, she would not choose to ask him for help.

Soon, Luo Xiaoxiao was pushed into the emergency room.

Li Zexuan stood in front of the door, pacing anxiously.

Ding Mo sat aside with his arms folded.

"Are you worried about her?"

Only then did Li Zexuan notice Ding Mo on the side, realizing that he was too obvious: "We are friends."

"Did you know about her pregnancy?"

".I know." Dejected, Li Zexuan slowly sat down on the seat and hugged his face slowly: "I know, you knew it from the beginning."

Ding Mo raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that there was something hidden in it.

Li Zexuan raised his head and looked towards the emergency room: "I am too selfish."

"you like her."

".No, we're just, friends."

"It's too early to say that now." Ding Mo looked at the door of the emergency room, no one knew what would happen in the future.

Li Zexuan didn't understand.

Ding Mo turned to look at him: "Maybe, you still have a chance."

Lights off.

The emergency room door opened.

The nurse pushed Luo Xiaoxiao out, the white sheets were a bit dazzling, but there was a smile on Luo Xiaoxiao's face, very sweet.

Ding Mo and Li Zexuan went forward together.

The doctor tore off the mask: "It's just some fetal movement and fright, the fetus is very healthy."

Ding Mo breathed a sigh of relief: "Do you need to be hospitalized for observation?"

"It's best to observe in the hospital for a few days. Of course, if something happens, you can leave the hospital, just pay attention to the usual security keys."

"Excuse me, Doctor Zhang, please don't worry about today's matter." Li Zexuan looked at Luo Xiaoxiao.

"I know, well, I'm going to open some catering, you can eat according to this."

Luo Xiaoxiao nodded, with joy in his eyes.

Li Zexuan turned and left.

After walking a few steps, I heard Luo Xiaoxiao's voice: "Thank you."

He sighed and quickened his pace.

There was a pain in my heart, how could he have the face to get her thanks for doing such a thing?
"You can rest here in peace, I'll talk to the director."

Luo Xiaoxiao lowered her head and kept stroking her belly. She was pregnant, she was really pregnant.

"You know this feeling? I really can't describe it, it's in my stomach, maybe it's eavesdropping on us."

"I've been pregnant for three years, I'm waiting to see how stupid you are."

"Even if I become a fool, I am willing. Ding Mo, I really understand you now. Whoever dares to take my treasure away, I will definitely fight her desperately."

".I hope so. I'll go back first and come see you at night."


Ding Mo didn't know, but this was the difference between her and Luo Xiaoxiao.

That night, Luo Xiaoxiao disappeared from the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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