Chapter 400 Where are you, Gu Ze (18)

Luo Xiaoxiao blinked tiredly.

It was dark in the room, and the heavy curtains were drawn, blocking out all the light.

She covered her dizzy head and sat up slowly.

Looking at the surrounding environment, where is she?

She just remembered that a nurse came in last night and added something to her nutrient solution, and then she fell asleep.

This is not a hospital!

Who brought her here?

Almost immediately, she thought of a candidate.

He finally did it.

Luo Xiaoxiao barely stood up, walked to the window, and opened the curtain a little.

  Outside the window is a dark sky, Luo Xiaoxiao Yizheng, did she sleep for too long, or is it very close to the courtyard?
She remembered that when she fell asleep, it was at least close to midnight, and it couldn't be so fast anyway.

There were footsteps outside the door, Luo Xiaoxiao panicked, and ran back to the bed.

Soon, someone pushed the door open.

Be careful not to wake her up.

The pace also deliberately slowed down, and reached the bed.

Luo Xiaoxiao tried hard to pretend to be asleep, trying to figure out what the other party was trying to do.

"She hasn't woken up?" The voice was a little old, not Ming Xixuan.

Moreover, it is inexplicably familiar.


"Has the drug been confirmed safe?"

"Yes, it was prepared by Dr. Eiffel himself. It will not affect the fetus, it will only make her fall asleep."

"Continue to observe, she will report to me as soon as she wakes up."


After the old man left, the woman also left, and the house returned to calm.

Luo Xiaoxiao slowly opened his eyes.

Shock and puzzlement flashed in his eyes.

She already wondered who that voice belonged to, it was Uncle Long who wanted to put her to death last time.

Isn't he from the same family?

So, she is now in the legendary family?
Why did they bring her here?
Is Gu Ze here too?
Does he know about her being captured?

No, don't panic, she has to calm down, since Uncle Long didn't do anything to her, it means that they didn't want to kill people, but had another purpose.

Luo Xiaoxiao searched around, but her bag and mobile phone were all gone, and it was impossible to contact the outside world.

All she can do is wait.

Luo Xiaoxiao simply lay down, since there is no other way, she might as well keep her energy up, if soldiers come to block her, and water comes to cover her, she will always find a way.

Uncle Long came out of the courtyard and went straight back to the villa.

As soon as she walked up to the third floor, she saw Tian Ai sitting paralyzed at the door of Gu Ze's bedroom, crying so hard that she was in tears.

The two guards stood aside expressionlessly.

Uncle Long walked over, and the guard bowed his head respectfully: "Uncle Long."

Tianai heard the voice, as if a drowning person saw the driftwood, and hugged Uncle Long's leg: "Save brother Ze, uncle, please save him, he is very sick, they don't bully him he's going to die"

"Send Miss Tianai back to her room."

"Uncle, Brother Ze will die, I don't want to go back, I want to stay with Brother Ze, no, I don't want to"

The guard carried the crying Tianai out.

The old man went to the door.

The thick wooden door still couldn't stop Gu Ze's violent coughing.

The old man frowned: "Still not improving?"

"Three young men don't cooperate with the treatment, the doctors are at a loss what to do, and they dare not take coercive measures."

Just as he was talking, an angry shout came from inside: "Get out!"

That energy is not at all like that of a patient who only relies on nutrient solution to maintain his body.

"Did you ask me about it?"

"I sent someone to ask, but after being kicked out by the third young master, I never came back."

(End of this chapter)

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