Chapter 403 Where are you, Gu Ze (21)

The old man shook his head, helpless against Gu Ze's stubbornness.

"Third Young Master, you must treat him right away. If you don't cooperate again, I will take intensive treatment."

"Ahem, get out!"

Uncle Long waved, and the doctor and nurse re-entered the room, followed by two guards.

Gu Ze is weak now, any adult can subdue him.

The syringe full of reagents was pushed into his arm little by little.

Gu Ze's struggle slowly calmed down.

In the end, it became dead silent.

"San Shao's illness has become serious. If he is treated in time, he will get better. His mood swings will become serious."

"How serious is it?"

The doctor gestured with his hands and feet, trying to sum up Gujie's disease with an adjective: "DIE!"

Uncle Long gave the doctor a backhanded slap, and directly knocked down the 1.9-meter-long man to the ground. The man covered his face with a look of shock and confusion: "Why?"

The old man looked down at him with a serious expression: "This family does not allow this word to appear."

"The condition is serious, you are stupid, hateful!"

"Come here, send him out. He dares to practice medicine with such medical skills. Send him to Africa for a few years as a trainee and find other doctors."


After the man was dragged out by the quilt, Uncle Long walked to Gu Ze's bed.

Under the effect of the medicine, the man was already asleep, but there was a faint anger between his brows.

Raising his hand, he picked up the man's hand, placed two fingers on his veins and closed his eyes to listen for a while, then let out a sigh.

I thought that he was still young, and he had been outside carefree for a few years. This illness could be delayed for a few years. Who would have thought that this incident would waste the recuperation of the previous few years. This state of weakness, It was exactly the same as his father a few years ago.

Gu Shengrong has been looking for doctors and medicines for these years. He has seen all kinds of famous doctors, but he still can't find the cause. At most, he can stabilize the condition, but he can't find a solution. Happening, easy to know, is just an illusion, a single spark can become a prairie fire, burning up all previous efforts.

"Well, your temperament is exactly the same as your father's. You are both a person who values ​​love and righteousness. However, this disease has picked on you again. This disease is the most taboo of mood swings, but it has picked on two of the most extreme men. .”

The old man remembered that when Gu Shengrong lost his beloved wife in pain and despair, he couldn't get sick. It took nearly a year of treatment to let him get out of bed again, but his body was not as good as before.

As long as the weather changes, he will get sick from time to time. At first it is a cough, and then he develops into a coma. Up to now, he spends more than half of a month on the sick bed.
"Why bother? If you like it, you can secretly raise it and send it to a place where others can't find it. It would be nice if you just meet up. How can there be so many things you want in this world?"

He also saw Gu Ze growing up, and he also knew his childhood experience, and he was more partial to him in his heart, but his personality has always been like this, and his emotions are always hidden. There was no way to knock him down with an anesthesia gun last time, for the sake of the family , he can only do so.

"I hope that one day you can understand the painstaking efforts of the old lady."

The old man put down Gu Ze's, and helped him pull the quilt up close, and was about to leave.

Ge's wrist was grabbed by someone.

The old man was startled and turned around in disbelief.

After taking muscle injections, adding tranquilizing medicine to his meal, and taking that kind of liquid medicine, Gu Ze was able to resist the attack of drowsiness with his strong willpower.

The old man felt something colliding in his chest, and his voice couldn't help slowing down: "Third Young Master, please let go."

"I want to see her. Let me see her"

(End of this chapter)

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