Chapter 404 Where are you, Gu Ze (22)

The old man felt something colliding in his chest, and his voice couldn't help slowing down: "Third Young Master, please let go."

"I want to see her. Let me see her"

"Third Young Master, you know this is impossible."

Gu Ze raised his upper body with all his strength, the blood vessels in his forehead were stretched, his eyes were swollen red, it was frightening: "Let me see her, see her"

"Third young masters."


The old man was startled.

Gu Ze had already fallen heavily back on the bed, exhausted of strength, and instantly fell into a coma.

When Luo Xiaoxiao woke up, it was already dawn.

Luo Xiaoxiao got off the bed and opened the curtains.

A few birds walked up and down on the window sill, very happy, the birds chirped, and the leaves swayed in the wind.

In the distance, a large artificial lake is rippling with microwaves, and the lake surface reflects the blue sky and daytime, and the blue color is as beautiful as a painting.

A large area of ​​woods surrounded the entire house, making her unable to see the scenery farther away.

She pushed open the window, wanting to catch some air, when she suddenly saw a figure, very familiar.

Surrounded by two men, the old man walked towards the building where Luo Xiaoxiao was, with a serious demeanor and an indifferent expression.

Ge's, he raised his head and looked at Luo Xiaoxiao.

Luo Xiaoxiao froze, startled by those sharp eyes, and instinctively thought of a black hole in the muzzle of a gun.

What is he here for?What does he want to do?
Luo Xiaoxiao stayed in place for a few seconds, then began to look for a place to hide in the room, but there was nowhere to hide after searching around, so she had to pick up the lamp beside the bed and put it on her chest.

At this time, footsteps had reached the door.

Luo Xiaoxiao nervously hid behind the door.


The door opened.

Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly smashed down the desk lamp, but was easily dodged by the other party and thrown aside.

Luo Xiaoxiao backed away in shock.

Uncle Long came out from behind the guard and looked at her coldly.

Luo Xiaoxiao swallowed, and raised her chin to meet his gaze: "Where did you get Gu Ze?!"

"Miss Luo, do you know where you are now?"

"Of course I know. If I'm right, this is my family."

"You know my family?"

"What's so strange about this? Don't change the subject, where is Gu Ze? Did you do anything to him?" Luo Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth, like a little leopard protecting its food.

"Miss Luo, I'm afraid you don't know your situation yet." Uncle Long said in a low voice.

Luo Xiaoxiao had no idea, but refused to show his weakness: "You don't need to scare me, you don't have to tell me so much if you want to do it, tell me, what do you want to do?"

"Happy." Uncle Long clapped his hands, and two servants walked in, "I can take you to see the young master right now."

"Really?!" Luo Xiaoxiao was delighted.

"However." The old man changed the subject: "You are not allowed to make a sound. No matter what the young master says, you are not allowed to speak."

What strange conditions?

"If you agree, I'll take you to see him right away, if you don't agree, just stay here."

Luo Xiaoxiao bit her lip, she would have plenty of opportunities in the future: "Okay."

"If you let me know that you have spoken, I will let you live here for the rest of your life!"

Luo Xiaoxiao curled her lips; "Okay, I see."

Uncle Long brought clothes for Luo Xiaoxiao to change into. It was a snow-white dress. He asked the servant to spread her hair around her shoulders. Finally, she stuck a small white flower by her ear.

Luo Xiaoxiao saw her own outfit in the mirror, and murmured, "Why do you look like an angel?" Like Ah Piao.

Can't she just wear her own clothes?
(End of this chapter)

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