Chapter 417 How to Choose (14)

In the past, I just thought that the Gu family was mysterious, but now I have truly seen the power of the Gu family, and I am even more sure that Gu Ze is just a novelty to me for a while. For such a family, the matching woman is naturally one in a million, and she is the one who matches her. An actor, still an unknown actor. Heh, it's ridiculous to think about it.

"The Gu family is now the seventh generation, and their industries have spread all over the world. I'm afraid even the Gu family themselves can't count how many industries they have. This is also the result of the efforts of countless ancestors."

Luo Xiaoxiaoan listened quietly.

"However, no matter how powerful you are, some things still cannot be changed." There was a trace of pain in the old man's words.

Luo Xiaoxiao blinked, feeling a little puzzled.

"You know Aze's illness, right?"

The last thing Luo Xiaoxiao wants to hear now is this name. Hearing this, he sighed, but he couldn't stop being curious.

The old man stopped talking.

Luo Xiaoxiao wanted to ask many times, but stopped when she reached her mouth, but the old man seemed to be testing her patience on purpose, only caring about the flowers and scenery, and had no intention of opening her mouth at all.

Finally: "In this world, is there any disease that my family can't treat?"

"Life and death are determined by destiny, and fortune is in the sky. We can change our destiny, but we cannot change our destiny."

Luo Xiaoxiao was startled, stumbled, knocked the old man, and hurriedly said sorry, but her eye circles were red, and she didn't know if it was the wind or something.

While rubbing her eyes, she seemed unintentional: "No, with the rapid development of medicine, many diseases that were previously considered incurable have been cured, just like your leg. will make you stand up."

"Oh, it's just as good as you said." The old man sighed: "Maybe God sees that our family is too glorious, so they always want to take away some things, such as seclusion and health."

"Aunt who doesn't know, there are many folk remedies."

"Aze's wife, great-grandfather, passed away when he was only 35 years old, and his great-grandfather passed away at the age of [-], and then Aze's grandfather." The old man paused, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes: "It's only four years old. When he was a teenager, he kept saying that there was no problem, no problem, until he became ill within two or three years, and then he was Aze's father."


The old man was suddenly interrupted.

Only then did Luo Xiaoxiao realize the abruptness.


"Is it because you don't like to hear what I said? When you are old, you just say some annoying things. Let me tell you about it."

"Auntie, Aze will not die, and Aze's father will not die either. The curse of the Gu family will be broken!"

The old man looked up.

Luo Xiaoxiao was wiping the last wetness from the corners of her eyes with her fingers, when she saw the old man looking over, she quickly withdrew her hand: "Auntie, can you tell me some symptoms? My mother is a doctor and has cured many intractable diseases. Maybe, I can try."

"Oh, you can really cure it?"

"I want to try, but I can't." Watching Gu Ze die. . . .

He can be unfeeling, but she can't.

The old man was overjoyed, and carefully told Luo Xiaoxiao about the symptoms, and Luo Xiaoxiao carefully remembered them in his heart. In a blink of an eye, it was already noon.

Luo Xiaoxiao sent the old man back to the castle. The servant stepped forward and took the old man's wheelchair. A guard came over and was about to tie Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes.

The old man waved his hand: "Let her move here."

After thinking about it: "I remember, there is still a vacant room on the second floor of the third floor, let her live there."

Uncle Long wasn't there, so the guard couldn't hesitate, so he nodded.

Luo Xiaoxiao was sent to the second floor of the ancient castle. She didn't know that her room was exactly opposite to Gu Ze's.

(End of this chapter)

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