Chapter 418 How to Choose (15)

In the evening, a servant came to her and asked her how to brew mint and licorice flowers.

She brewed a pot herself and asked the other party to bring it over.

  Now, she also has some privileges, such as being able to walk around in the castle, dispatching servants to purchase the traditional Chinese medicine she needs, and occasionally going out with the old man.

After drinking a few doses of the traditional Chinese medicine she boiled, the old man really felt that the pain was relieved a lot.

It's just that Gu Ze didn't recruit her again these days.

She also sees it very openly. Now that the matter has been discussed, there is no need to get entangled. Now she is devoting herself to researching the prescription. As long as the prescription comes out, she will leave and never see him again in this life.

On this day, she was preparing to take the medicinal materials to the grinding room for grinding.

Just walked around the corner.

Ge's heard a crackling sound.

"Brother, don't, what are you going to do, love love or not, love love or not"

"Stop pretending, you and Gu Ze share the same bed every day, you haven't done anything, and why don't you say no? I think you want to refuse and welcome. Although my brother is not as beautiful as your brother Ze, he has strength. , Which of the women my brother doted on never forgets my brother? Be good, let my brother kiss you."

"No, brother, you are so weird, Ai Ai wants to go back"

What's the matter with this man?It was obvious that the woman still clings to her after she said not to.

Luo Xiaoxiao looked around, picked up a small stone, weighed it in his hand, aimed it at the man's head, a beautiful flying stone.

When she was a child, her favorite thing to play was throwing water splashes. The splashes she made were beautiful and full of circles, and the accuracy rate was at least 90.00%.

"Ah - dare to attack me! Come out!"

Luo Xiaoxiao is not a fool, she came out and waited for him to settle accounts with her.

Luo Xiaoxiao took two steps back and shouted seemingly unintentionally: "Ah, rabbit, the rabbit is here, come quickly, I saw it!"

While shouting, he ran towards the place where the two were standing, and naturally successfully blocked the two people in the corner.

Luo Xiaoxiao screamed exaggeratedly, and all the Chinese medicine in his hand fell to the ground.

"You, why are you here? I clearly saw the rabbit running here, have you seen it?"

"Where did Fang Zi come from? I think you are the one." After he stopped talking, he saw Luo Xiaoxiao's face, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Beautiful, really beautiful, with a clear spirit in her charm, with dexterous curves and unevenness, and the most important thing is that she exudes a sense of purity.

It is exactly his dish.

Why didn't he know that there was such a number one person in my family?
Luo Xiaoxiao knew what he was thinking when she saw his eyes, she felt sick for a while, she looked like a human being, but she was so obscene in her heart.

But there was horror on his face: "Impossible, I clearly watched it run in, by the way, they can do it. Don't go, they will come soon, don't just lie, you have to give me Testify."

"They?" Gu Lingxi frowned, why, she's not the only one?
"That's right, several servants, I said it has come here, but they still don't believe it, no, it has already passed by."

Gu Lingxi felt regretful in her heart, if the servant found out and spread the word, it would be difficult for the old lady to blame her.

However, before he left, he had one more thing to do.

"Are you the new servant?"

Luo Xiaoxiao looked up confusedly: "Yes."

"What's the name, which courtyard?"

"My name is A Dan, and I'm in charge of flowers and plants."

(End of this chapter)

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