Chapter 434 The Awakened Lion (2)

Gu Yixuan looked at Gu Ze, and always felt that he seemed to be different from before, and he couldn't tell the specifics, but he felt that the whole person's aura became more powerful, as if something was rising up little by little.

He has never been able to understand Gu Ze. It stands to reason that this kid usually doesn't talk much, and he is always quiet, which is nothing unusual, but he is inexplicably afraid of him. bad.

This is not his nonsense.

You know, the second son of the Gu family, Gu Lingxi wasn't called this name before, he was called Gu Shengye, what a poetic name.

When he was a child, Gu Ze was not in good health and was always lazy, but he was very beautiful, like a little angel. Except for his cold father, everyone liked him, which made Gu Lingxi jealous. I always laughed at him for looking like a girl, but a few days later, the third wife suddenly asked the old lady to agree and changed Gu Lingxi's name, the first name was Gu Lingxi, and the nickname was Qianqian, because the old lady received a A letter from a great master, saying that Gu Lingxi's original name was not good, and he had to change it to this name. Later, it was Gu Lingxi who made trouble, so he changed it to Xi Dexi.

As a result, one day a few years later, Gu Yixuan tidied up Gu Ze's desk, and found a letter written by the master. At first glance, he knew that it was used by Gu Ze to practice his pens. Name, Hong Hong, Nana, Darling.
No one can play with this kid.

It's like they play cards during Chinese New Year, he is obviously the best at it, but he has never played with that kid before, all the good things on his body are in the hands of Gu Ze, and if he gives it to himself generously, he will thank Gu Ze foolishly, thinking that he What a good guy, he was his little follower until Gu Ze thought he was annoying, and threw a set of cheating cards invented by himself in front of him - he really wanted to strangle him at that time!
I think he was a big liar to Gu Ze all those years ago!
Also, what Gu Ze likes, he can always get it quietly. The third uncle gave Gu Lingxi a little starfish, which is very beautiful. The corners are still blue. He hangs it on his neck every day like a treasure. In fact, it's nothing, but he should never have run to have sex with Gu Ze. At that time, Gu Ze was still locked in that small building, and Gu Lingxi was showing off his little toys downstairs, Gu Ze He didn't even go downstairs, and only told Gu Lingxi a story, leaving him in shock and running away. I heard that the starfish was later given to a gardener's daughter by him. , I didn't dare to sleep for a few days, and I was so scared that I fell ill. Next time I pass the small building, I will walk around.

All these are the tragic memories of him and Gu Lingxi. In that fairy-tale-like family, there is a little angel with a big devil in his heart. His name is Gu Ze.

This is his childhood nightmare!
But now, Gu Ze showed that kind of smile again, a weird and unpredictable smile, obviously thinking about evil intentions.

Suddenly his back felt cold.

 "Well, I have something else to do, so let's go first, haha."


Here it is, that feeling, the feeling of scratching your neck with a smile~~~~
It's cool and creepy!

"I want it from my family. You can stand in the square now."

There was no trace of panic or excitement on Gu Ze's idle expression, as if he was talking about today's weather calmly: "Enemy or friend, give me an answer now."

(End of this chapter)

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