Chapter 435 The Awakened Lion (3)

"What?" Gu Yixuan thought he heard it wrong, he turned to look at him, trying to find a hint of a joke on his face, but unfortunately there was none.

Scratching his head, he always felt that there was a ambiguity in this sentence, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't find what was wrong. It seemed that it was only a matter of time for Gu Ze to say this sentence, as if he had been waiting for a long time. This sentence is the same.

Wait, that's not right.

"I said, your eldest brother is still standing here, have you considered how I feel as one of the successors? You should respect me anyway."

"Then, big brother, do you want to fight with me?" Gu Ze raised his brows slightly, and picked out a sharp chill, flying towards Gu Yixuan like a blade.

Gu Yixuan was in despair, he was sorry for the Gu family blood in his blood, he was defeated without a fight. . . .

"Don't be complacent, kid. I'm not afraid of you. I'm just not interested in this seat. What's so good about this poor place? It's not as good as my black street." He stopped abruptly: "You kid won't do any righteous killings, will you? Although I don't have any feelings for that old man, he is still my father, if you dare to touch him, I will never end with you!"

"Don't worry, I won't touch anyone. What I want is power." He has the strength to fight against Ming Xixuan.

"What do you want to do? The surname Ming is playing tricks, wait, you don't want third uncle to help you? Forget it, you don't know his ambition yet."

If you want to talk about this family, the one who really wants to get this family is probably the third uncle.

Of course, Gu Chenglin also had an idea, but his son was helpless. Although the second wife has been working hard to defeat Tianai and Gu Ze and achieve the goal of a strong alliance, it is a pity that neither of them has this idea. The fourth uncle is obsessed with painting The only competitors for Gu Ze are the third uncle and Gu Lingxi.

Gu Shengtian has been creating his own kingdom outside these years, and it is said to the outside world that it is about construction and electricity, but no one knows that he intervenes in the military ~ fire, and intends to let Gu Lingxi take over. In terms of difficulties, the third uncle is the biggest hidden danger .

"No matter how strong he is, he will always have his weaknesses."

Seeing his expression, Gu Yixuan felt chills again. MD, life can't be brighter. See how good he is. He has a daughter and a company. He just needs a mistress, and he misses Ding Mo again.

 That woman has a lot of shortcomings, but he just misses her, and wants to sleep late in the warmth of her arms.

"By the way, your woman asked me to get her out."

Gu Ze raised his head, his eyes were slightly raised, and his eyes were filled with glazed brilliance. After a while, he slowly calmed down and returned to peace: "It's not safe outside, it's not time for her to leave."

When Gu Yixuan thought of Luo Xiaoxiao's expression, he was obviously lonely. It stands to reason that Gu Ze loves her, she loves Gu Ze, and he loves concubine, you and me, everyone should be happy.

"He dumped you? Tsk tsk, you have the guts, you deserve to be Ding Mo's friend." After thinking about it, it's not right, and it's not a good thing. He scolded angrily, "MD, they are all stinky, our men from the Gu family have psoriasis, say dumping Just dump it!"

It was very rare that Gu Ze didn't scold him.

Gu Yixuan's anti-swaying postures were all set.

Gu Ze's handsome face glowed with a warm yellow glow under the light, and the smile on the corner of his lips looked a bit bitter: "Sometimes, I envy you very much."

He doesn't expect much, he just wants to have a healthy body, enough years for her to walk with her, and to see her with silver hair, and the two of them walking on the leaf-covered road with their arms
PS: For the transitional chapter, Young Master Gu will dig it up, and then, I was a little busy a year ago, so let's fill it up slowly tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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