Chapter 436 The Awakened Lion (5)

so what?How could Luo Xiaoxiao hear that these foods are helpful for pregnant women? She didn't seem to tell anyone that she was pregnant. The only person who knew the secret was Gu Ze.

What does he want to do?Ingratiate her, numb her nerves and take her child?

Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly felt chills.

Thinking of Ding Mo's heart-rending crying in the bathroom, it felt like a hand was firmly grasping his heart.

Most likely, it was Gu Yixuan who told Gu Ze about his escape, that big mouth!If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have helped him!
But no matter what, she will not live with her body.

Luo Xiaoxiao ate all the food on the table in two mouthfuls, drank two more glasses of milk, and finally ate a few pieces of dessert before patting her stomach.

"Miss Luo, what do you want to eat tomorrow?"

"Whatever, you know this best anyway." Luo Xiaoxiao didn't hide anymore: "I want to eat sour food recently, and I haven't slept very well recently, so make me something to soothe my nerves."


The servant cleared away the dishes and went back.

Luo Xiaoxiao stayed in the room for a while, then suddenly walked to the window.

Open the window and poke your head out.

Looking up at the room upstairs, she suddenly wanted to call Gu Ze out and ask him what he meant.

But when the voice reached her lips, it turned into a suppressed and unwilling sigh. She couldn't, and she couldn't offend him for the sake of the child. Without love, she would lose too much power, and he wouldn't pamper her like he used to.

What she should do now is to stay away from him as much as possible to protect herself.

Just as she was about to stretch her head back, she suddenly heard a burst of crisp laughter. She had heard this laughter before, that beautiful woman who likes to wear white dresses.

"Brother Ze, look at my windmill."

The voice of Ge approached, whether she came to hide or not, she saw a small colorful windmill sticking out of the window, followed by a woman's long black hair rippling in the wind.

It's really beautiful, and even as a woman, she can't help being moved.

A woman's innocence is poison, a white moonlight that men cannot resist.

She wanted to pull back, but the clothes caught the window, and she frantically tried to tear them off.

At this time, a gentle voice floated into my ears.

"God, stay away from the window, it's dangerous."

"Brother Ze, look, the windmill turns like a rainbow."

"God, be obedient."


"God love." A helpless voice.

It was the voice of a man doting on a woman the most. If he didn't love her, how could he utter such a tone?
Luo Xiaoxiao was anxious and angry, but in a panic, her fingers slid across the window edge, the sharp steel blade directly cut through the skin, and bright red blood burst out all at once.

One drop, two drops, three drops.
She seemed to be dumbfounded, seeing more and more blood from the wound, only then remembered the pain, and hurriedly stuffed it into her mouth to hold it.

How could it be so painful, because no one showed an anxious and distressed look for her?
"Tianai, how many times do you want my brother to tell you?"

"Hey, sister! Sister! Look at my windmill, doesn't it look like a rainbow!"

It was too late for Luo Xiaoxiao to hide.

She just looked up at them like this, her face was unkempt, her clothes were scratched and stained with blood, her fingers were in her mouth
A wave of dryness burned from head to toe, how could she be so embarrassed, she almost hid in the house as if fleeing, and her clothes were completely scrapped.

She opened the cabinet, randomly picked up a piece of clothing, put it on in a daze, then got up, and walked out of the room numbly.

(End of this chapter)

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