Chapter 438 The Awakened Lion (11)

  Gu Ze's expression was very serious, as if he could really understand something, Luo Xiaoxiao also became curious.

"What did you hear?"


Luo Xiaoxiao caressed Gu Ze's black hair with soft tentacles, saying that a person's hair represents a person's temperament, so Gu Ze is a soft guy?
After waiting for a while, Gu Ze still didn't speak.

Luo Xiaoxiao got impatient and raised her body to see what happened, only to find that Gu Ze had fallen asleep on her belly.

Luo Xiaoxiao really didn't know what to do with him.

Dare to feel that he regards the baby as a lullaby.

Wanting to wake him up, but also waiting for his condition, I'm afraid he would be tired after tossing for so long, Luo Xiaoxiao gently moved her body, put him on the bed, grabbed the quilt and covered him up.

I looked aside for a while with my arms propped up, and then I remembered that I still have tasks.

Now that the misunderstanding is resolved, she will now work harder to study the prescription. Gu Ze's fate may be in her hands, and now, not only him, but also his father are also her responsibility .

As for the reason why he didn't want to talk about it, she wasn't in a hurry. He didn't talk about it. Naturally, there was his reason. If even she didn't believe him, who would fulfill their love?

Luo Xiaoxiao walked out lightly, wanting to go to the grinding room.

I just walked to the stairs, but when I saw the hall downstairs, my aunt and Uncle Long were talking.

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't know whether she should go down or not.

She had no choice but to hide at the stairs. She swore that she really didn't want to eavesdrop, but that her aunt's voice was so loud that she couldn't even hear it.

I don't know what Uncle Long said to her, but suddenly he saw the old man using and beating the crutch in his hand.

"Nonsense! How can he accept this news with his current body?! I don't agree, no matter what you say, I won't agree!"

"This is also a helpless strategy, old madam, you also know the young master's health at this time, and this matter can't be delayed. I think it won't be long before the matter is hidden. I'm afraid the other party will know the news soon, which will damage the credibility of the Gu family. Make an impact."

Luo Xiaoxiao was startled, although the young master didn't say who he was, so he came up with these two keywords, and the whole family could find out who he was talking about.

She must be too sensitive, she must be.

Luo Xiaoxiao really wanted to turn around and leave, but her footsteps seemed to be fixed in place.

"Aaron, I understand your worries, and I understand your intentions. I can't find any reason to refute you, but can you stand in my position and think about it? Aze is my grandson, my dearest grandson. Beloved grandson, you have already seen his reaction two days ago, how can we force him again" His father was back then. . . . .I have been guilty all these years, and I really don't want to repeat that tragedy again. "

"Old madam, forgive me for being rude and offensive. The uncle's tragedy is entirely his own fault. He forgot the responsibility he should bear as an ancient family member. That kind of love was wrong from the beginning, but he failed to wake up in time. The consequences of all this He should bear it all alone. Madam, when the master was alive, he taught me countless times that only when a tree grows into a forest can a strong man stand on his feet. Abandon all private thoughts, otherwise how can you be worthy of your ancestors?"

"Aaron, why are you so ill-educated? The master's words are correct, but he has already passed away. Are you going to destroy other people's happiness because of his lessons?"

(End of this chapter)

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