Chapter 439 The Awakened Lion (12)

"Old lady, you have changed. I understand how you love your children and grandchildren. Please believe me. I have watched them grow up since I was a child. I have the same distress as you, but you must follow your reason. Your rashness and soft-heartedness will make the Gu family A hundred years of karma has been destroyed. You knew that the ancient family is now a rotten watch. It looks prosperous on the outside, but there are countless problems on the inside. The gentlemen are friendly on the surface, and there is a gap between the uncles. At this time, an opportunity is urgently needed. A new patriarch will be established to reorganize the ancient family and return the loose sand to the pool, and you have already decided on that person, haven't you?"

The old man opened his mouth, but eventually it turned into a sigh.

Uncle Long knew that the old man was beginning to waver, but he was not in a hurry. Instead, he waited for the old man to calm down before continuing: "Madam, it is also beneficial for the young master to do so. The young master also doesn't understand now, but after a few years, When he takes the position of Patriarch of the Gu Family, he will understand your painstaking efforts."

"It's true to say that, but I really can't bear to see him show that expression again. Aze's temperament is like his father. He is a fool. Besides, Aze has feelings for me. I I'm afraid he will become what he used to be."

"If it's not convenient for you to say, let me go. Anyway, the young master has already had a prejudice against me."

The old man wanted to say something else.

Uncle Long suddenly knelt down slowly, the old man was shocked, and hurriedly said: "Aaron, get up quickly, you always kneel to the master."

"Old lady, Aaron was saved by the master by fate. He once swore to God that he would never disobey the master in his life. Aaron never married in his whole life. He just didn't want anyone to make Aaron hesitate. He could help the master guard the kingdom with due diligence. The third young master has been weak since he was a child, and he inherited the master's disease. It is only natural for the old lady to feel sorry for him. To be honest, the master once told me that the ancient family seemed to be under a curse. This kind of disease, and only those who have inherited it, are the best candidates for the head of the family, and the third master is the best and only candidate."

"Oh, you are forcing me."

"Old lady, please think about the master, think about everything he has done for the Gu family these years."

"But what about that child? She doesn't know anything about it."

"It's fine for me to do this."

"Don't hurt her, I don't want such a tragedy to happen again."


The old man sighed and was pushed out by the servant.

After watching the old man leave, Uncle Long raised his head and looked in the direction of the stairs.

"Come out."

Luo Xiao knew she couldn't hide, and she didn't want to hide anymore, she walked down the stairs slowly and stood still in front of Uncle Long.

"You've heard it all. If there's anything you don't understand, you can ask me now." Uncle Long put his hands behind his back and looked calm. He knew Luo Xiaoxiao was there since the beginning when she was hiding at the stairs.

Luo Xiaoxiao hadn't reacted from the content just now, and it took him a long time to say: "I don't understand what you want to force Aze to do?"

"It's not persecution, it's execution."

"Don't play word games with me, simply, what do you want him to do?"

"Today will be your last day here. I will tell you everything you want to know, and let you completely stop thinking about it."

"I will leave, but I won't be sent away by you. You can't force me to do anything."

"Miss Luo, you seem to have made a mistake. I am just informing, not asking."

Luo Xiaoxiao clenched her fingers, trying to suppress her panic: "Aze won't agree to you doing this."

(End of this chapter)

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