Chapter 553 The Awakened Lion (127)

For a moment, people panicked, and some people began to sell a large number of Gu's stocks, and among them, an invisible hand was buying these stocks.

The Gu family lost its leader, many things could not be resolved, and the company was in a semi-paralyzed state. Although Gu Mianxuan was ordered in the face of danger, because he didn't know Gu's well, he was stuck for a while, and instead made the company a black smoke barrier. gas.

In the midst of the chaos, there is a place that is quiet.

Luo Xiaoxiao handed the small backpack to Nian Qing and Nian Ze, and said to the servant: "We may not come back until very late, so we don't need to make dinner, we will eat outside."

The servant smiled and nodded: "Have fun."

"Goodbye, Auntie." The two little guys said goodbye to the servant.

Luo Xiaoxiao led them and sat in the car that had already been waiting outside the door.

Nianqing climbed directly into the passenger seat.

"Nianqing, come and sit with mom."

"Mom, let me sit here, I want to see the scenery outside."

"Then you have to be obedient and don't move around, you know?"

Nianqing nodded, and obediently put on her seat belt.

Nian Ze had a great time playing with his toy.

"Listen, both of you, today is the weekend, and there will be a lot of people. Don't run around, and you must follow your mother."

"Okay." The two said in unison.

Luo Xiaoxiao looked at the driver: "It's really troublesome for you." This kind of weekend can't rest, and they have to go to the amusement park with them.

"This is what I should do."

The car drove steadily, and the scenery on both sides receded like a revolving lantern.

Luo Xiaoxiao leaned on the car window, looking at the scenery outside the window, feeling tight in his chest for no reason.

"Could you please stop?"

"Is Miss Luo unwell?"

"I have some chest tightness. Stop by the shopping mall in front. I'll go buy a bottle of water."

The driver nodded and parked the car at the entrance of the shopping mall in front. Luo Xiaoxiao got out of the car and walked into the shopping mall slowly.

  Seeing Luo Xiaoxiao walk away, Nian Qing dared to take out the mobile phone from his arms, but suddenly glanced vigilantly at the driver beside him.

The man smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell your mother."

"Are you uncle's driver?" Nianqing asked.

The man winked at him: "It doesn't matter who I am, I won't tell you about you."

Nian Qing was still a little alert.

The man got out of the car and leaned against the door to smoke.

Only then did Nian Qing dare to call out the text message: "Dad, we have already set off, you must arrive before us."

"Father, I want a big tiger, buy me a big tiger!" Nian Ze interjected loudly as he crawled over.

Nian Qing pressed the microphone: "Xiao Ze, don't always ask for toys, Dad will be sad."

"No, Dad said he would give me a big tiger, a big tiger that can transform."

Nian Qing took the microphone to the other side: "Dad, what color will you wear? We can hit you." Let go and press send.

Nian Ze grabbed the chair: "Brother, will Dad go?"

"... Yes, Dad promised."

"What if he doesn't come?"

"No, Dad won't lie, he's a man! A man never lies!"

"Xiao Ze is also a man!" As he said, he puffed out his small chest and bulged in a decent way.

"Okay, okay, you're a man." Nian Qing was comforting his younger brother, when he suddenly saw Luo Xiaoxiao running here from a distance, with an expression of anxiety that he had never seen before.

Luo Xiaoxiao ran to the car, regardless of his panting, opened the door and sat in.

The driver poked his head in puzzledly: "Miss Luo?"

(End of this chapter)

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