Chapter 554 The Awakened Lion (128)

"Okay, okay, you're a man." Nian Qing was comforting his younger brother, when he suddenly saw Luo Xiaoxiao running here from a distance, with an expression of anxiety that he had never seen before.

Luo Xiaoxiao ran to the car, regardless of his panting, opened the door and sat in.

The driver poked his head in puzzledly: "Miss Luo?"

"I won't go to the amusement park today, go back to my sister's house!"


The car drove straight back to Leng Yeqing's manor.

In the car, Luo Xiaoxiao clenched his hands into tight fists, with an anxious expression on his face, he kept urging the driver to hurry up.

Both Nianqing and Nianze were frightened by their mother's appearance and dared not say a word.

Finally, the car arrived at the gate of Leng Yeqing Manor, and the driver stopped the car.

Luo Xiaoxiao opened the door and ran out of the car, not even caring about Nian Qing and Nian Ze.

When the security guard at the door saw her, he was a little surprised: "Second Miss?"

Luo Xiaoxiao ran into the gate as if she had never heard of it, and ran straight to the villa.

Luo Wanxin was teaching Nini to do her homework in the hall when she suddenly heard a rush of footsteps.

Looking up, Luo Xiaoxiao quickly ran in from the door.

All of a sudden he threw himself into her arms.

Luo Wanxin reluctantly caught her.


"Sister, what should I do." The small voice was choked with sobs, and her hands tightly grabbed Luo Wanxin's sleeves.

"Don't worry, what happened?"

"Something happened to Gu Ze!"

"Gu Ze?"

Coincidentally, at this time the servant came over and was about to put away the newspaper on the table. Luo Wanxin saw a familiar face under the newspaper at a glance, and picked it out with her hand, and threw it to the servant: "Help me read See what it's about."

The servant scanned it again: "Madam, the third young master of the Gu family was attacked on the road yesterday, and his life and death are unknown now."

"How come?" Gu Ze should not be such a careless person.

When Luo Xiaoxiao heard the servant's words, her body trembled even more. She heard the people next to her discussing this matter when she went to the mall to buy water. At first she didn't believe it, until she saw the photo of Gu Zeshuo in the newspaper.

She was kept in the dark!

"Sister, I want to see my brother-in-law, he must have a way for me to see him, please, let him help me!"

Luo Wanxin wiped away her tears: "Okay, just wait."

Luo Wanxin took out her mobile phone and called Leng Yeqing. In order to prevent Luo Xiaoxiao from being stimulated again, she walked to the entrance.

The call was quickly connected.

Leng Yeqing's calm voice came: "What's the matter?"

"Xiao Xiao is here with me."

Leng Yeqing only paused for a moment before guessing what happened: "She already knows?"

"How could she not know about the overwhelming news, Yeqing, is there any way you can let them meet? Xiaoxiao is in a bad state now, I'm afraid she will do something stupid."

"The Gu family blocked the news, even I don't know if he is alive or dead, and which hospital he is in."

"I can understand, but little"

Leng Yeqing paused for a moment: "Look at her first, don't let her run around, I'll come back as soon as possible."

Luo Wanxin hung up the phone, turned around, only to find that Luo Xiaoxiao was gone.

"Second Miss?" Luo Wanxin asked eagerly.

"She just answered the phone and went out."

"What? Why didn't you stop her?!"

Luo Wanxin ran out anxiously, only to see Luo Xiaoxiao had already run to the door.

"Stop her!"

Hearing the order, the security guard reached out to stop Luo Xiaoxiao.

"Let me go!" Luo Xiaoxiao struggled, suddenly lowered her head, and bit the opponent's hand, the opponent let go of the pain, Luo Xiaoxiao broke free and ran out.

(End of this chapter)

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