Chapter 619 Extra Story Marriage Proposal (55)

Crazy request all night.

Luo Xiaoxiao sighed, and slowly opened her eyes.

The morning sun was bright and wanton, passing through the gaps in the heavy curtains, and crawling all over the room.

Luo Xiaoxiao was not in the mood to appreciate these things.

Because she vaguely remembered that when Gu Ze got up, he said softly in her ear: "I think it's more reassuring for me to guide you personally."

It is better to find a coach than to be guided by him himself.

But Mr. Gu said one thing, this matter is considered a certainty, and it is impossible to change it.

Luo Xiaoxiao wailed, and beat the pillow angrily, wishing to suffocate herself to death.

When she really woke up, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning.

  After a brief wash, he went downstairs, and several servants were busy cleaning the huge living room.

She snorted, and glanced around the dining table, but did not find Gu Ze.

Gu Ze usually eats at home and is very particular about the meals. She often sees him sitting at the dining table, reading the financial newspaper with one hand and drinking morning tea with the other.

The company is on the right track, and he is not as busy as usual, sometimes even having breakfast with her and the children.

"Master, have you had breakfast?" Luo Xiaoxiao asked.

The servant stopped what he was doing and said respectfully, "Yes."

Luo Xiaoxiao nodded: "Are you young masters up?"

"It's already up, and it's already playing outside at this time."

"So early?" Luo Xiaoxiao was surprised.

She would believe that Nian got up early to study, but Nian Ze.
The servant smiled and said, "After breakfast, the master took them out to play."

Luo Xiaoxiao Yizheng: "He didn't go to the company?"

"No, I heard that I asked for leave today. The young masters are very happy. They ran out of the room early in the morning, wearing all their own clothes."

Luo Xiaoxiao was in a daze, unaware that the corner of her mouth was already smiling.

"Ma'am, breakfast is ready."

Luo Xiaoxiao nodded and walked down the stairs.

Since Gu Ze took over Gu's business, his work has been much busier than usual, and the time when he can take a day off to play with his children is one of the few times like this.

As soon as Luo Xiaoxiao sat down, the servant brought several small cups and put them in front of her.

"Madam, this is the breakfast ordered by the master, please taste it."

"What is this?" Luo Xiaoxiao has never been demanding on the direction of food, as long as she can eat it, she will always come to it, so breakfast has always been simple.

The servant opened the lid for Luo Xiaoxiao.

A burst of tangy fragrance wafts over, attracting greedy worms.

Luo Xiaoxiao glanced at it.

In the snow-white porcelain cup, there are piles of ingredients spread out colorfully. It's hard to tell what it is, but the taste is very sweet.

Luo Xiaoxiao's appetite was aroused, and she took a mouthful with a spoon.

Suddenly, the eyes brighten up.

After eating a few mouthfuls, I looked up at the servant: "Is this a new dish you developed?"

In response to the order of the old lady, the kitchen will introduce new dishes every week.

The servant shook his head: "Ma'am, this is made by the master himself. From the ingredients to the knife work, to the final stew, the master did it himself. We didn't help at all."


She knows that Gu Ze can cook, but is his cooking already this good?

What's more, there is obviously a chef, as long as he orders a few words, why bother to do it yourself?
Thinking this way, he ate a whole cup of food and took another cup. In just a few minutes, the utensils on the table were as clean as new.

(End of this chapter)

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