Chapter 620 Extra Story Marriage Proposal (56)

The servant packed up the tableware and looked at Luo Xiaoxiao: "Master even made dessert with his own hands. He said he wanted Madam to taste it first. If it tastes good, he will give it to the two young masters on his birthday."

This request simply cannot be refused.

Luo Xiaoxiao held her slightly distended belly and nodded firmly: "Come up with everything else."

Delicious snacks are quickly served on the table.

The colorful ones are the nuts dotted on the top, the pink ones are the smooth cream, and the black ones are the melt-in-your-mouth chocolates.
"Madam, the master said that he is making desserts for the first time, and there are still many deficiencies that need Madam's advice. Please be sure to taste carefully, Madam, he will accept opinions with an open mind."

This is really useful
Luo Xiaoxiao smiled openly, stretched out her hand and brought a piece to her mouth, took a light bite, and began to chew carefully.

"It's not delicious!" Luo Xiaoxiao exaggeratedly exclaimed.

The cream is mixed with juice, it is smooth and delicious, the chocolate melts in the mouth, and the pulp neutralizes the sticky feeling of chocolate, it is simply delicious.

Hastily pushed a piece in front of the servant, like offering a treasure: "You have a taste too."

The servant waved his hand and shied away: "Madam, this is not allowed, the master made this for Madam, how can I eat it?"

  Luo Xiaoxiao thought about it, yes, Gu Ze did it herself, how could she be willing to give it to others?
Tasting the soft and smooth cake, Luo Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes in satisfaction, and the servant took the opportunity to put the remaining pieces in front of her.

Breakfast is finally over.

Luo Xiaoxiao patted her tall stomach and burped.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the small dishes piled high on the table, and Luo Xiaoxiao sat up in shock.

"Is this what I ate?"

The servant nodded, and at the same time pushed a bowl of soup in front of her: "Madam, please drink the soup."

Luo Xiaoxiao shook her head in fear, as if seeing a scourge: "No, no, I can't eat any more."

God, what the hell did she do?
Isn't she trying to lose weight?How can you eat so much?

Chocolate, butter, and cake. They are all high-calorie foods. She has to run on a treadmill for an hour to digest the calories of a cake!
Luo Xiaoxiao stood up staggeringly as if struck by lightning, and was about to go straight to the gym.

But he was stopped by the servant: "Madam, the master said that he has a rare day off, and I hope Madam can accompany him and the young master."

Luo Xiaoxiao's footsteps seemed to be stuck in place, and she couldn't get out no matter what.

"Isn't he a day off? I'll be later." Luo Xiaoxiao said hesitantly.

"It's already ten o'clock, and in one hour, the young master will take a nap."

That's right, Nianqing and Nianze have to sleep until after two o'clock in the afternoon, and Nianqing still has to study in the afternoon, so there is no time at all.

"Okay." Luo Xiaoxiao sighed, turned and walked down the stairs.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard a crunchy child's voice.

"Mom, don't move, one, two, three wooden people!"

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't dare to move.

Nian Ze ran to her side from a distance, his little face was blushing, but his eyes were full of joy: "Mom, you must not move, if you move, A Ze will lose, father and brother are so good!" , Aze has lost many times."

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't know what they were playing, so she nodded confusedly.

Nian Ze hugged her intimately, turned around and ran away.

Looking at his back, Luo Xiaoxiao looked kindly.

10 minute later.

Luo Xiaoxiao still had a loving face.

Two 10 minutes later.

Luo Xiaoxiao smiled slowly.

Three 10 minutes later.

Little thief Luo moved to the side of the stone pillar, leaning against the wall in a daze.

Four 10 minutes later.

Luo Xiaoxiao began to count the leaves on the tree.

Five 10 minutes later.

"Gu Nianze! Come out!"

(End of this chapter)

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