Chapter 54

dear uncle:
He is gone and we all miss him!If you are used to certain people, certain places or a certain way of life and suddenly leave, you will feel as if something is lost and empty in your heart.I find the conversation with Mrs. Samp even less interesting.

In two weeks, school will start and I am excited to continue my lessons.I worked hard this summer and wrote 6 short stories and 7 poems.All the works sent to the magazine were returned with a very polite text message.I don't mind, it's just practice.Master Jervie has seen it too—he brought it back, and I can't hide it from him.He said I wrote so badly that I didn't know what to say (Master Jervie never beat around the bush).But he said the last short story about college life wasn't too bad, and he typed it for me, and I've resent it to a magazine.It's been two weeks now and maybe they're still thinking about it!

Every cloud in the sky has a strange orange glow.When the storm came, we would run to close the doors and windows.

Storms in the country are no joke, and you have to always think about what you put out in the open, or it will be ruined by the rain.


uncle!uncle!Guess what?The postman just delivered two letters.

First, my novel was published, and the manuscript fee was 50 US dollars.

God, I'm a "writer" now!

Second, a letter from the University Administration.In the future, I can enjoy a scholarship for two years, which includes my board, lodging and tuition fees.This scholarship is only given to those students who are "extraordinarily excellent in English and generally good in other aspects".I got it!I applied before I left school and didn't have much hope because I was terrible at geometry and Latin freshman year.But now, it seems that I have made up for it.I am very glad, uncle, that I will no longer be a burden to you in the future.You just need to give me pocket money every month, maybe I can also earn pocket money by contributing articles, tutoring, or other ways.

I'm going crazy, I have to go back to school and start working hard.

Your forever Jerusha Albert
(Author of When a Sophomore Wins an Award,
The magazine that published the article is available at every newsstand for 10 cents)


(End of this chapter)

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