Chapter 102

"Tang Yichen, why are you doing this!" Listening to his words, Yao Yuxing felt his chest suffocate for a while.

"I don't know why. I just know that I don't want to suffer alone. I want you to accompany me to bear and share this sweet pain. As long as I am firm, no one can shake my will to keep you by my side." Tang Yichen Raising his hand, he stroked her soft hair, "Yao Yuxing, can't you do something for me?"

Yao Yuxing's heart trembled, and her voice was also mixed with slight tremors. She was caught by his mature man's breath, "Tang Yichen, it doesn't count what you say. If you continue like this, how can you accept other women? I don't know Can let go, why can't you let go?"

She even doubted his request now, she was so worried that something would happen to her.

"Yao Yuxing, you just nodded and agreed to my request. No matter what I do or say, you have to accept it, because this is what you promised me, how can you go back on your word?" A wave of anger welled up in the ground, he took a step forward, holding her thin shoulders with both hands, "Yao Yuxing, my request is very simple, that is, before I find a suitable woman, you can't resist all my requests , and can’t leave my line of sight for half a step.”

Hearing this, Yao Yuxing frowned, and looked at him with displeasure: "Tang Yichen, how can you go too far! Do you even think of me as someone else, a toy to amuse your loneliness on your way to find a suitable woman? Where are you going to put my dignity?"

How could he say such irresponsible words that even made her feel sad?

As expected, her worry came. This man didn't have any good things in his mind.

She shouldn't have agreed to his request so lightly just now.

"Yao Yuxing, you have no choice." Tang Yichen put his hands on her shoulders and said coldly with an unusually firm voice.

"Tang Yichen, why me." Yao Yuxing burst into tears, "Is it because I was with Bai Che and ruined your sister's relationship, so you hold a grudge against me? Do you know that the relationship is between two people? Things are not a matter of one person, not to mention that they were unmarried and unmarried at that time. When they were really not suitable for being together, they would naturally separate. It was your own sister who couldn't bear the blow. Can you blame me? Since I got When I knew your real purpose for buying me, I despised you from the bottom of my heart and looked down on you!"

He was like a demon, occupying her thoughts all the time.

"Go and feed Nianxuan for dinner first. I still have some things to do. I will dress up later and come back to the Tang family's old house for dinner with me." Tang Yichen took a deep breath, knowing that he couldn't stay with her too much. For a long time, because she always insisted on making excuses, even crying relentlessly.

"Tang Yichen, I don't want to follow you to the Tang family's old house." She suddenly repented, and she said to his tall back who was leaving.

Hearing the words, Tang Yichen paused, did not turn around, but said calmly: "Yao Yuxing, if you still want me to fall in love with other women, you must go back to the Tang family's old house tonight."

With that said, he went upstairs.

Yao Yuxing stood in the same place with Lily in his arms, watching his figure gradually disappear around the corner of the stairs, she just turned her eyes back and landed on the diamond ring he put between her fingers, she tried to pull it off forcefully, I can't get it off, even with hand lotion.

(End of this chapter)

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