Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 103 The study is a forbidden place

Chapter 103 The study is a forbidden place

Could it be that this diamond ring really needs to be taken off by Tang Yichen?

She also couldn't understand why he took her back to the Tang family's old house for dinner. If he was really doing it for her own good, he wouldn't take her to meet the Tang family. I believe the Tang family would not want to see her either.

When Yao Yuxing saw Tang Yichen, he felt very troubled.

When Yao Yuxing went into the kitchen, the servant said nothing to let her in. After bringing out the prepared meals, Yao Yuxing carried Nian Xuan downstairs and fed him.

Nian Xuan took his medicine half an hour after he was full.

Tang Yichen has been back for a while, it seems that he has been staying in the study and never came out.

"Miss Yao, the young master has been in the study all afternoon, why hasn't he come out yet? I don't know if the young master has eaten when he came back." The servant came down after cleaning and reported to Yao Yuxing.

"Didn't the housekeeper go in just now?" Yao Yuxing looked at the servant's worried face and said lightly.

She really didn't want to care about what he was doing now.

"Miss Yao, when the butler went in, he went in when the young master came back, and the butler went out after he came out of the study. Would you like to go in and see what the young master is doing?" the servant reminded kindly.

"His study is a forbidden place, what right do I have to go in. What's more, he is such a big man, and he is in his own home, what can happen?" Yao Yuxing said disapprovingly.

"Miss Yao, you should go in and see the young master first." Seeing Yao Yuxing's calm face, the servant was also anxious. The housekeeper had explained before going out that if the young master hadn't come out for a long time, he must go in and have a look.

Yao Yuxing originally wanted to go to the garden, but the servant followed all the way and made her surrender. She looked at the servant and said, "Forget it, I'm afraid of you. I'll go see what's going on now, will it work?"

Seeing this, the servant smiled and said, "Miss Yao, you are so kind!"

Yao Yuxing didn't say anything, and walked towards his study.

But even though she knocked on the door, there was no response, and there was a burst of silence inside.

"It's not that I don't help you to see what he's doing inside, it's that no one answers when I knock on the door." Yao Yuxing turned around and stood up straight, looking at the servant and said.

After Yao Yuxing finished speaking, when he was about to leave, the servant handed over a key card, "Miss Yao, try to use this key card."

Before Yao Yuxing could speak, the servant had already stuffed the key card into her palm, and then the servant turned around and left at a rapid speed.

She froze on the spot, frowned slightly, holding the key card in a daze.

She stared at the closed coded door, frowning tightly. She picked up the door card and placed it in the sensing area. After a few beeps, the door opened automatically.

The last time this smelly man broke into the study because of her, he not only forbade anyone from entering, but also changed the door to a combination lock.

She looked at the half-open door, her footsteps were a little hesitant, not knowing whether to go in or not.

Until she felt a burst of cold air coming from inside, her body shivered suddenly, and she hurriedly opened the door and went in.

The temperature from inside was so cold, she walked in shivering, her eyes glanced at the study, she walked straight to the floor air conditioner, and immediately turned off the air conditioner.

"Tang Yichen, are you okay?" He was lying on his desk, looking stiff.

She hurriedly stepped forward and stretched out her hand to push Tang Yichen, "Tang Yichen, don't go to sleep, don't you still have to go back to the Tang family's old house for dinner?"

(End of this chapter)

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