Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 106 It's better not to fall in love with Tang Chenxi

Chapter 106 It's better not to fall in love with Tang Chenxi
And Tang Yichen has not married her yet, she has no right to interfere with his private life.But she swore that once she and Tang Yichen confirmed their marriage, the first thing she would do would be to clean up Yao Yuxing's troubles.

She couldn't let go of her children, even if they were Tang Yichen's sons, she would make them disappear from her sight forever and ever.

Yichen's child can only be born to her alone, while Yao Yuxing's child is at most a wild species!
"Miss Yao, I didn't expect you to be so shameless. If you really want to leave, you should leave decisively. Why put on a pitiful appearance? You can fool Yichen, but you can't fool me. Like you I have seen a lot of beautiful women, so I like to play hard to get, and I want to use this to trap a man's mind. If you really have such thoughts, I advise you to give up as soon as possible." Shangguan Jinhuan disdainfully Said, "I'm telling you this now, just because I don't want you to embarrass yourself in public."

"Miss Lao Shangguan is concerned." Yao Yuxing pointed to the door: "The door is there, please go ahead, Tang Yichen is sick now, if he opened his eyes and saw you, he must be very happy to see you. "Yao Yuxing said in a low voice.

"Yao Yuxing, you won't be arrogant for long. You'd better not fall in love with Yichen, if not, you will be the one who will be embarrassed in the end." After Shangguan Jinhuan finished speaking, she left Yao Yuxing's room.

A strong flame suddenly grew in Shangguan Jin's heart, because Yao Yuxing's words choked her, so she accidentally bumped into the servant who was carrying things while walking.

"Do you have eyes? Believe it or not, I'll ask Yichen to fire you immediately!" Shangguan Jinhuan was already angry, but she was so worried that she couldn't express her anger. Now she can use the topic to express all the anger in her heart. All the anger was poured on the servant.

"Miss Shangguan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The servant was startled by Shangguan Jinhuan's posture, and kept apologizing.

"Get out!" Shangguan Jinhuan pushed hard, and one of the servants holding the tray lost his footing, and the boiling water in the tray suddenly overflowed and splashed onto the servant's hands.

When the servant was so hot that he wanted to let go, Shangguan Jinhuan suddenly yelled sternly: "I can't even hold a thing stably, it's really useless at all! Take the thing down!"

Shangguan Jinhuan was like a hostess, yelling at the servants.

Enduring the severe pain, the servant hurriedly withdrew the tray.

And Yao Yuxing, who was in the room, also heard the movement outside. When she heard the sound of Shangguan Jinhuan stepping on high heels, she opened the door and came out, and saw the servant put things on the ground, her hands were hot red .

"Miss Yao, I'll take the things down now." The servant's eyes were filled with tears, seeing Yao Yuxing standing at the door, the servant quickly reached out to pick up the tray.

"Ah!" But her hands were already swollen and painful from the heat, and it hurt even with a little effort.

"Be careful!" Yao Yuxing looked at the servant's scalded hands, hurriedly stepped forward to take the tray, and helped the servant up, "I'll treat the wound for you!"

Yao Yuxing helped the servant downstairs, went into the kitchen, mixed sugar and rice wine, then soaked it with a clean towel, and applied it to the servant's injured hand.

(End of this chapter)

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