Chapter 107 What a fate

"Miss Yao, because I looked down on you as a woman bought by the young master, I bullied you when the young master was not at home, and you are so kind to me..." The servant choked up, holding his hands by Yao Yuxing, looking at Yao Yuxing Treating the wound for her made me feel uncomfortable for a while.

"It's not your fault, you are also worried that I will take away everything that belongs to Ms. Qin." Yao Yuxing did not look at the servant, but carefully treated her wound, "When I was accidentally scalded by boiling water when I was young, because My family was poor and far away from the hospital, so my mother used rice wine and sugar to treat my wound, which was very comfortable to wear and would not leave scars."

Yao Yuxing repeated the movements to apply to the servant.

"Miss Yao, the butler is right, you are a good woman, I blamed you, please forgive me!" The servant was very grateful to Yao Yuxing.

Compared with the fierce Shangguan Jinhuan, the servant just discovered that a hostess must be kind-hearted, and only a kind-hearted person will not bully others.

And that Shangguan Jinhuan is too arrogant, bullying their servants before entering the door, if she is allowed to marry Tang Yichen, then it's okay?

"If I were a good person, I wouldn't have fallen to this level." Yao Yuxing said with a wry smile.

"No, Miss Yao, good people will be rewarded! And the young master loves you so much, he will definitely give you happiness."

"Happiness?" Yao Yuxing paused, and then said with a smile: "I think you all know that Tang Yichen is my brother-in-law, how could I be happy with my brother-in-law?"

"Miss Yao..."

"Okay, you go to rest first, and recuperate well these days, and I will tell the housekeeper for you." Yao Yuxing interrupted the servant and continued.

"Miss Yao, thank you." The servant thanked quickly.

Yao Yuxing just smiled, accepted the servant's thanks, and poured out the rice wine on the plate to wash it up.

Looking at Yao Yuxing's virtuous figure, the servant sighed helplessly in his heart.

After Yao Yuxing packed her things, she left the kitchen. As soon as she got out of the kitchen, she bumped into a wall of meat, and she raised her hand to rub her forehead.

"Xiao Yu, I never thought we were so destined to meet each other like this." A male voice hovered above Yao Yuxing's head.

Yao Yuxing followed the prestige, and when he saw the man in front of him clearly, his face was startled, "It's you!"

"Xiaoyu, I'm really moved by your kindness!" The man was dressed in formal attire, holding Yao Yuxing's slender waist with one hand, and a pair of glazed peach blossom eyes slowly focused on Yao Yuxing.

"Let me go, go away!" Yao Yuxing raised his hand to his chest, and pushed him away fiercely, "Please show some respect!"

"Xiaoyu, have you forgotten me? I am Shangguan Jinxuan who was kissed by you at the charity party." The man who claimed to be Shangguan Jinxuan saw Yao Yuxing push him away, and a hurt look flashed in his eyes. look.

"I don't know you! It was a misunderstanding that night, I didn't forcefully kiss you!" Yao Yuxing's face turned pale suddenly, she didn't know where the perverted man actually said these words to her.

Moreover, this is a big manor, and Tang Yichen is upstairs, if other servants saw it and passed it into Tang Yichen's ears, she would definitely not know what he would suffer.

"Xiaoyu, ever since I met you that night, I have suffered from a disease." Shangguan Jinxuan approached Yao Yuxing, raised his big hand to cover his heart, "I have suffered from lovesickness."

(End of this chapter)

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