Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 111 The only thing I can't like is Yao Yuxing!

Chapter 111 The only thing I can't like is Yao Yuxing!
"Jinxuan, let me tell you, you can like anyone, but you can't like Yao Yuxing! I just let you pretend to create some illusions, are you going to get into the drama!" Shangguan Jinhuan worried that his younger brother would really have to be Yao Yuxing, She was also worried.

Even if Tang Yichen would cut off all contact with Yao Yuxing, if Yao Yuxing and Shangguan Jinxuan were together, there would definitely be many opportunities for them to meet. How could she tolerate her younger brother wanting a woman who had an affair with Tang Yichen?

Men will miss the woman from the past, how could she let Yao Yuxing seduce her man under her nose?
"Sister! You are enough! Who I like is my right! You have no right to ask! You are just worried that Yao Yuxing will snatch Tang Yichen away, aren't you always very confident, why did you come to Tang Yichen's place? Confidence is gone, are you afraid that Tang Yichen will love Yao Yuxing instead of you?" Shangguan Jinxuan grabbed a handful of hair and fell into extreme pain, "If this is the case, you would have to rely on a man to get close to Yao Yuxing , not me! I don't care who Yao Yuxing has been with, I will wait until she regains her freedom."

"Jinxuan, are you crazy!" Shangguan Jinhuan didn't expect her younger brother to say such a thing, she gritted her teeth and said, "She is such a dirty woman, what is there for you to love!"

"If she's dirty, it's Tang Yichen who did it too. Since Tang Yichen has slept with so many women, why don't you think Tang Yichen is dirty? Is it the man who has experienced many battles that attracts your women's attention more?" Shangguan Jinxuan pressed his hands Looking at the cold fence, the tone was low and dignified, "In the end, you are only targeting Yao Yuxing. You are jealous that she can stay by Tang Yichen's side for three years, and you are jealous that she can live in the manor."

"Slap!" With a sound, Shangguan Jinhuan seemed to be stimulated, and slapped Shangguan Jinxuan on the face, "Why do you miss your sister like this, I don't let you and Yao Yuxing be together for your own good , if Tang Yichen sees you with her, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Shangguan Jinxuan's face turned to one side, he was stunned, then turned his head to look at Shangguan Jinhuan and said, "If you were good for me, you wouldn't let me provoke her at the beginning, what do you mean now, I tried everything possible For your sake, but you persuade me not to be emotional?"

Shangguan Jinhuan was also taken aback, she didn't expect that she would hit her younger brother and wanted to apologize, but the arrogance in her bones did not allow her to do so, since the person in front of her was her own younger brother.

"I didn't let you do the fake show for real. If you do it like this, it will only ruin everything for you. Besides, you are a mixed person in the show business circle. If someone finds out about your relationship, they will definitely investigate Yao Yuxing. Yao Yuxing was a mistress in the past, how much impact would this have on you? Are you willing to gamble with your career?" Shangguan Jinhuan pressed him with Shangguan Jinxuan's career.

"For her, I am willing to give up everything." When Shangguan Jinxuan finished speaking, he left Shangguan Jinhuan's side.

He went to find Yao Yuxing, but the housekeeper didn't let him approach, saying that Mrs. Tang was talking to Yao Yuxing, and no one could approach him.

Shangguan Jinxuan thought about it, although he wanted to stay and take a look at Yao Yuxing, but his sister's pressing every step of the way made him breathless, so he had no choice but to give up and leave now.

In the study on the first floor.

(End of this chapter)

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