Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 112 Leave as soon as possible

Chapter 112 Leave as soon as possible
Yao Yuxing stood with his head down, while Cen Lixiang sat on the sofa.

"Yao Yuxing, here are the air tickets and checks. I want you to leave Yichen's side as quickly as possible. With you by his side, his marriage with Jin Huan cannot be held." Cen Lixiang handed Yao Yuxing a leather bag, He said in a cold tone, "Now I'm the one to take the matter, and you still have a good life. If you wait until Min Mei comes out, you won't have such a good result."

When Cen Lixiang mentioned Shi Minmei, Yao Yuxing's body trembled, she had only seen Shi Minmei from a distance once, the indifferent aura on her body was very similar to someone's, she was thinking at that time, The indifferent temperament may be hereditary, if it wasn't for why she could feel the shadow of Tang Yichen in Shi Minmei?
"Grandma Tang, can you really let me leave the Tang family safely, leave the manor, and disappear by Tang Yichen's side forever?" Yao Yuxing's nose was sour, her eyes were red, and she knelt at Cen Lixiang's feet , her hand naturally fell on Cen Lixiang's knee, and she choked up and said, "I just want to get out of here!"

Cen Lixiang was slightly startled, she looked at Yao Yuxing with some doubts, "Do you really want to leave Tang Yichen? Are you willing to leave him?"

Yao Yuxing shook his head, eyes full of fear, "I don't want to stay here at all. For three years, I have lived a life of fear and worry, and no day is easy! The days around him are full of scars. Not unusual, especially after learning that he is my so-called brother-in-law, I can’t convince myself that nothing happened, you don’t know how perverted your grandson is! I’m her nephew, how can he do that to me..."

"Yao Yuxing, shut up!" Cen Lixiang has lived most of her life, and she is better than young people in all aspects, but when Yao Yuxing said that her grandson is a pervert, she couldn't bear it anymore and pushed Yao Yuxing to the ground .

But Yao Yuxing was caught off guard and bumped into the coffee table, the pain made her cry.

"If you weren't greedy for Yichen's money, would you stay by his side willingly? To put it bluntly, you are just a woman who is greedy for vanity. Letting you leave this time is out of consideration for the overall situation." Cen Lixiang frowned. Tuan, she was sitting on the sofa, looking at Yao Yuxing, and said coldly: "Since you want to leave so much, I will grant you, you have to promise me one condition, that is, you will never show up in China after taking the money! This is A concession I made."

"Grandma Tang, I don't want money. I just want to disappear completely from Tang Yichen's sight, so that he can never find me. The person I don't want to see in this life is him!" Yao Yuxing covered his head Seeing Cen Lixiang in pain, she begged, "I just want to leave without him knowing, if not, he won't let me go. Grandma Tang, you are so powerful, you can definitely help me with this."

"Do you really think that you have such a great charm, that Yichen will make other troubles because of you?" Cen Lixiang squinted at Yao Yuxing, and said disapprovingly, "He is my grandson, I understand him, he is just to you It's just greedy, and he kept you by his side after learning that you were his nephew. He was protesting the marriage we arranged for him. You don't know, even if you don't leave, he won't marry you , the woman he will marry in this life is Shangguan Jinhuan."

(End of this chapter)

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